Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I closed the door behind me and stormed out of the hall way while sobbing heavily. How can I be such an idiot! Telling Harry that! God I'm a dumb ass! Time is passing by so quickly! One moment ago I was making out with Harry and next thing I know I'm out in the hall way trying to find the nearest elevator while bawling.I finally reach one and enter it as the doors separate open. I pressed on the main floor and the elevator moved slowly after the doors closed.Oh fuck! What will Harry do to Zayn! Kick him out of the gang,beat the shit out of him,or I don't know I barely know these guys! Ugh I should have never asked my Dad to open the door! This fucking sucks! I want to go home! I want to hang out with MY friends from the time I'M FROM! I should have just listened to my Dad and stayed away from them! I can't explain this story to anyone here! Hell I've only told the gang that I traveled back in time but I think they think I'm crazy or on some hardcore drugs! The elevator's doors finally dragged open. I stormed out of the elevator. Somebody then caught my eye at the front doors both of them walking out.I think it's Louis and Liam!

"Liam,Louis!" I cried trying to get their attention. They turned around and sure enough it's them. They looked at me with worried expressions as frantically I ran up to them.

"Louis!" I sobbed in his chest as I hugged him tightly. He slowly wrapped his arms around me as I kept sobbing on his shoulder.

"Sara what happened?" Louis asked while stroking my hair.

"I-I need to talk to Zayn wh-where is he?"I stuttered as I let Louis go and back up a little giving him space.His tight white t-shirt now has mascara stains on the shoulder.

"He just left you can ride with us I know where he is going." Liam offered. I nodded while wiping my eyes.Louis wrapped his arm around me guiding me to Liam's car. We exited out of that dreadful hospital in the pouring rain. Oh how great.Not!

"Where's your jacket?" Louis asked as he stopped us before walking in the rain.

"Oh shit it's in Harry's room." I whined.

"Do you want to go get it?" Louis asked

"No." I answered quickly.

"Here." He said as he took off his black leather jacket and handed it to me. I smiled at his cute gesture at took the jacket. The jacket was warm and smelled faintly of cologne and leather. The jacket was big for me. With my hands hiding in it's long heavy sleeves.

"Thanks Lou." I said as he wrapped his arm around me.

"No problem. Wait what did you call me?" Louis questioned.

"Lou its a nickname that I just made for you." I answered as we started walking.

"I like it." Louis beamed with a smile as he held me tighter. We finally reached Liam's car. Liam was waiting in his car with the car on tapping on the steering wheel impatiently . Louis opened the passenger door for me. I got in Liam's car.

"Where did he go?" I asked Liam as he pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

"To his cousin's,Calum." Liam answered as he turned to main street. I remember Zayn mentioning his cousin when he saved me from that Soc that caused all this shit!

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