Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I ran out of the door Harry just stormed out of. It was dark outside completely pitch black. The only light I had was the dim light coming out of Harry's house behind me with my shadow casting on the ground stretching out in front of me. I looked around but there was no sight of him!

"Harry!" I called. Suddenly a car pulled out of the left hand side of the house. It's head lights beamed in my face making it hard for me to see the driver but I know for a fact it's Harry. The car backed up on to the street and took off east! Oh no this can't be good!Worried thoughts filled my mind that it's s over flowing.I started to run trying to catch up to the vehicle but to none of my surprised it was no use. I then felt a warm hand gasp gently on my shoulder. I turned around and standing before me was Zayn.

"Zayn where's he going we have to follow him." I panicked.

"Get in my car." Zayn instructed.We walked in the back alley behind Harry's house and got in his car. He turn on the ignition switch and started to drive out of the alley honking the horn to warn everyone of an emergency. The rest of the gang flowed out of their houses on the sidewalk in front of Harry house. Zayn parked his car on the side of the road and rolled down his window.

"Boys,Harry has lost it he's heading over to the Soc's territory we've got to get him out of there before it's too late." Zayn informed them.

"Well then lets go get him!" A guy with brown hair that was messy,brown eyes,and a Australian accent shouted. They all ran to their cars and started them up.Zayn rolled up his window and drove off to the east side of town as fast as he can with eight other cars from the same neighborhood following him. As we approached my great grandfathers house Zayn slammed on his the breaks.

"What's wrong Zayn?" I asked. He didn't look at me he was starting out of his window. I shuffled around so I can see. It was Harry on the ground with his back facing up unconscious on someone's lawn with Socs quickly running away! Hot tears burned my eyes as they trailed down my cheeks. I frantically opened the door and ran to Harry. I dropped on my knees beside Harry.

"Harry." I whispered. He didn't move.

"Harry come on get up." I quietly demanded while shaking him gently sobbing heavily. I turned him over so I can see his face. His perfect face was bruised with cuts on it,he has black eye,his pink lips are cut,his nose was draining blood slowly to his chin,his hair in some places is matted with what is probably blood,and his face is losing color. I rested my head on his chest to see if his heart is beating. One beat and one loud inhale then silence. My heart fell to my stomach,my breathing quickened,and my tears poured heavily on my cheeks.

"No Harry." I sobbed weakly. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Zayn with a tear trailing on his cheek. Then that Australian guy walked behind him.

"He-he he's." I stuttered whiled koalaing Zayn's legs. He hushed me softly while stroking my head.

"I know Sara." Zayn whispered.His voice sounded weak as it cracked slightly.I let go of his legs and he sat beside me and hugged me tightly.

"We have to do something Zayn." I sobbed on his broad shoulders.He stroked my blonde hair as he held me tighter.I politely got out of his comforting embrace and hugged Harry. I rested my head on his silent broad chest while sobbing

"I'll call the hospital from the nearest payphone." Someone shouted. The rest of the gang is now on the lawn mourning Harry surrounding him in a large circle on the lawn. Silence filled the circle the only sound that was made was my quiet sobbing.I just stayed there holding Harry while sobbing on his chest.

"Get off my lawn!" A male voice shouted.

"Sir our friend is dead." Zayn quietly protested.

"I don't give a fuck get off my lawn!" The male voice demanded.

"Shut the fuck up you old prick and listen for once in your dull life,my best friend is dead so please show some god damn respect and shut the fuck up and try to help us!" Zayn shouted. I closed my eyes I'm not moving anywhere.

"Fine." The male voice softened. I heard a door slam and then heard the sirens of an ambulance get closer and closer. I hope it's for Harry. Within minutes I hear the ambulance park on the road with the sirens on. I felt someone poke me. I didn't move.

"Miss you have to get off of him." A paramedic demanded. I didn't move.

"Miss." The paramedic raised his voice. I suddenly I felt someone pull me by my waist. I frantically started kicking my legs in the air with my arms still around Harry.

"No I'm not leaving him you can't make me." I screamed. They managed to pull me off with me screaming cussing them out. The paramedics carried Harry and placed him on the ambulance stretcher and then putting a oxygen mask on him.

"Let me go!" I demanded. The unknown person let me go. I ran towards Harry as they pushed him the ambulance. I jumped in the ambulance and sat beside Harry while holding his calloused hand. His hand was starting to get cold. I heard the ambulance's door close and felt the ambulance move. After what felt like a twenty four hour ride to the hospital we finally stopped. The ambulance doors flung open and paramedics wheeled Harry out of the ambulance. I walked beside the stretcher holding Harry's hand as they were pushing Harry. We reached to the doors that had a sign that said Emergency Rooms. They stopped.

"You will have to go to the waiting room we will take him to a doctor." A paramedic informed. I nodded my head while sobbing as I slowly let go of Harry's hand and walked to the nearest waiting room. The room was filled with the gang. I rushed over to Zayn and hugged him tightly sobbing in his chest.I pulled away slowly looking at him.

"Will he be okay Zayn?" I asked.

"He'll be fine." Zayn assured me.

"Sara how long will he be there for the gang is wondering?" The Australian guy asked me. How does he know my name?

"She doesn't know Ashton." Zayn answered for me.Ah that's his name.I sat down on the chair and looked down at the floor hoping they can save Harry.

---------------Author's Note---------------

HAHAHA Surprise double update this week! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will be a new one next week! Don't forget to comment and vote! Have a good day I loves ya!!!!!!! <3

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