Part 2 : finally free

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(Y/N) : your name
(H/C) : hair color
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts
( I forgot to add this in the first part hehe)
Anyways, lets begin.

After (Y/N) agreed to follow Ozpin, the four of them went back to the airship. There were smoke everywhere. The desert sands were filled with corpses that gave out an awful stench. All of them except for (Y/N) had a horrified expression on their faces but (Y/N) just stared at the corpses with a blank face.

(Ozpin's POV)

Me : 'has his mind really been broken that bad ? Can he even feel anything ? Is it too late to help him ?' Those thoughts kept repeating itself inside my head as i saw him walking over the battlefield like it was nothing.

(Glynda's POV)

I kept staring at (Y/N). I just can't get my eyes of him. For every second passed i could feel myself getting saddened.

Me : 'no person should be like this'

(Ironwood's POV)

Me : 'this boy used to be a lethal fighting machine that has killed many. What was Ozpin thinking ? This boy is dangerous. I have to keep an eye on him'

I kept looking at him with a distrusting glare until the airship suddenly landed in front of us.

(Ozpin's POV)

Me : "okay let's get out of here" i said as i went inside the airship.

Glynda : "you don't have to tell me twice" she and Ironwood then quickly jumped on the airship but I don't see (Y/N) anywhere inside.

Me : "where's (Y/N)?" She then looked outside the airship and i saw (Y/N) just standing there looking around the battlefield. He appears to be thinking about something.

(Y/N) : "........." he seems to be saying something in a quiet tone.

Me : "(Y/N)? You ready to go ?" He then turned around and gave me the usual blank stare.

(Y/N) : "yes sir" his tone is cold like a robot answering a command. When i heard that I couldn't help but feel sad.

Unknown to them, somebody was watching them.

( ???'s POV)

??? : "shouldn't we save him sir ?"

??? : "why ?"

??? : "because he's one of the best Elite Guard we have"

??? : "don't worry about him, I know the man who took him. That's Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon academy. If he's planning to take him back to Beacon, then we could use this to our advantage"

( Time skip a few hours )

(Glynda's POV)

After a few hours in the airship, i see (Y/N) finally fell asleep. His face looked so peaceful in his sleep just like a child. I can't help but smile looking at him like that.

Me : 'i hope he can just be like that' I thought as i began to feel tired and......

(Ozpin's POV)

I'm glad that (Y/N) and Glynda is finally asleep, now i can talk to Ironwood more about (Y/N).

Me : "hey James" i look at him to see that he was still glaring at (Y/N).

Me : "would you stop that ? He's asleep for crying out loud"

Ironwood : "you never know Oz, you never know. By the way what is it ?"

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