Part 15 : an enemy or not ? pt.2

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood on the courtyard after the fight was over. The General and the Atlas knights had already left bringing Weiss's sister with them. The little girl that i saw at the docks were there too. Everybody was silent until.....

Ruby : "UNCLE CROW!!   Hi. Aahhh it's so good to see you. Did you miss me ? Did you miss me ?" I saw Ruby holding onto her uncle's arm like a child.

Qrow : "nope" he said jokingly. Then......

Ozpin : "Qrow, a word please" he said as Qrow dropped Ruby to the ground as she grunted. I then saw aunt Glynda fixing the damages caused by the recent fight.

Qrow : "i think i'm in trouble" he whispered loudly to Ruby.

Ruby : "you did kinda tear up our courtyard"

Qrow : "yeah, i did. Catch you later kid" he said as they bumped their fists. Then, he walked over to Ozpin and i was about to walk over to Ruby when i heard Ozpin calling me.

Ozpin : "and where do you think you're going (Y/N)?" He said as he stopped on his tracks.

Me : "i uhh... i'm going back to the dorms ?" I said as i turned towards them to see Ozpin looking at me and aunt Glynda looking quite upset while Qrow just stood there confused.

Glynda : "you've been unconscious for a week and when i finally see you up! I see you fighting this drunk and an Atlas specialist ?!" I can tell that she 's angry.

Me : "in my defense, i was trying to neutralize the situation and prevent any casualties"

Glynda : "still, you could've gotten hurt!" She yelled as Ozpin tried to calm her down.

Ozpin : "please, Glynda calm down. We should talk about this later. (Y/N), looks like you were doing the right thing. I'm proud of you" he said as aunt Glynda could only sigh in defeat. Then Qrow spoke up.

Qrow : "uhh... who's this ?" He asked while looking confused.

Ozpin : "you'll know soon enough" he said before we all walked into Beacon. We then went into the elevator.

(Winter's POV)

I was walking around impatiently in the Headmaster's office waiting for Ozpin to get here. I then saw the elevator door opening and i saw Ozpin came in with Glynda Goodwitch and Qrow. But there was somebody else there. It was him. He was still wearing the cloak. When i saw Qrow entered the room, anger quickly got over me.

Me : "what were you thinking ?!"

Ironwood : "if you were one of my men, i would have you shot"

Qrow : "if i was one of your men, i'd shot myself" he said as he walked closer to us as Ozpin sat on his chair and Goodwitch stood on the right with the cloaked person beside her.

Glynda : "while I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation"

Me : "he was drunk!" I yelled in anger.

Glynda : "he's always drunk!" She yelled in response. We then looked over to him to see him already drinking again. When he saw us, he stopped. We then talked about him being in the dark for weeks and suddenly reappearing while he was whining about not getting any informations from us.

Me : "they had reasons to believe that you'd been compromised"

Qrow : "and i have a reason to assume you don't need to be here. Seriously, who invited her ?" He's really getting on my nerves.

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