Part 23 : a warrior or a hero ?

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to see that i was alone inside the dorm. None of my teammates were here. Where are they ? I got up from the bed and walked towards the table to see a note there.
It said.....

(Y/N), we're all going to the cafeteria early. We know that you need some rest after spending time with us. Join us when you're ready okay.

I then put the note down and went into the shower. After i was done, i saw my Elite Guard uniform hanging on the door and i put it on. I was glad that i could finally wear it again. I feel naked without it. I then hid my daggers inside the uniform like i always do and went outside the dorm.

(Time skip a few minutes)

I was walking through the hallways when i heard someone calling my name.

??? : "(Y/N)!!! Over here" i turned around to see Pyrrha running towards me.

Me : "good morning Pyrrha"

Pyrrha : "good morning (Y/N), where have you been ? I've been looking for you at the cafeteria"

Me : "my team decided to let me sleep in for the day" i said while rubbing the back of my head.

Pyrrha : "so that's why you weren't in the cafeteria"

Me : "you were looking for me ? Why ?" I asked as her cheeks suddenly went red. Is she nervous ?

Pyrrha : "w-well.... i was wondering if you have time to train with me today ?" She said nervously.

Me : "train ? Of course, when do we start ?" I asked as her eyes lit up in excitement.

Pyrrha : "now of course!" She said before taking my hand and dragging me across the hallways towards the arena.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

After we arrived at the arena, we both then readied ourselves to train. I unsheathed my scimitar while Pyrrha readied her spear and shield. I looked around the arena to see that we weren't the only ones training. There were also many other people sparring here. The arena was quite huge.

Me : "are you ready ?" I said as she took her combat stance.

Pyrrha : "ready" she said with a serious look on her face as i took my combat stance.

Me : "go" i said as she charged at me before jumping while thrusting her spear at me. I reacted quickly and rolled to the side to dodge the attack. I then quickly recovered before she slashed at me multiple times which I successfully parried. I then back kicked her shield knocking her back a few feet. She then lunged towards me and performed a series of slash and thrust attacks which i either parried or dodged. Then i remembered something. Her fighting style, i've seen it before. I recognize the pattern. I then readied myself for another round of attack. I took a defensive stance and taunted her to make the first move. If i'm not mistaken, she would start with a ranged attack with her spear before knocking me with her shield to stun me. Then, she would turn her spear into a short sword to attack me with a series of extreme close quarters attacks.

Pyrrha : "here i go!" She said as she was charging at me. It looked like I was correct. She did everything I predicted. And thus, i was able to defend against her attacks with ease. But there's one more thing. Usually, they would try to stab me with their short sword but they would deliberately miss by not thrusting far enough to reach my body but after their target stopped moving to dodge, they would turn their swords into a spear and it would pierce through the body like a bullet.

Pyrrha : "you're very skilled" she said before thrusting her sword towards my chest but missed. I then quickly moved back. It looked like she was going to use the technique. When i saw her blade turned into a spear, i quickly reacted and moved to the side a few inches and the spear missed my chest. I then saw a surprised look on her face as i gripped her spear with my armpit and front kicked her in the chest which sent her flying back. I then held her spear which turned back into a sword before walking towards her to return her sword back to her.

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now