Part 32 : mother's rosario

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I opened my eyes to see a familiar view. A beautiful beach. I'm finally back here again. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Pyrrha and Marie smiling.

Pyrrha : "finally, you're back!"

Marie : "you know, you should sleep more often. You need more rest and uhh... you should visit us more" she said with her cheeks red. I still don't know why they do that, but it doesn't bother me anymore.

Me : "sorry about that. It's just that i've been busy with everything that's happened" their expressions changed to a sad one after i said that.

Pyrrha : "we understand. Anyways, we watched your conversation with Raven. What do you think ? Can she really help you ?"

Me : "judging from the way she used her powers back then, she must already have full control over the maiden power"

Marie : "you're right. So, what are you planning to do after you're done training with Raven ?"

Me : "i'm going to Vacuo" i said as they both looked down a bit sad.

Pyrrha : "i thought you'd say that"

Me : "you know that i have to do it, this fight is not over yet"

Pyrrha : "why can't you just let them fight their wars ? You've done more than enough!"

Me : "i have something i need in Vacuo"

Marie : "and what is that ?"

Me : "the relic underneath Shade academy"

Marie : "Salem must've already ordered that woman to take it wouldn't her ?"

Me : "you mean Sycthia ? No, they still don't know where the vault is. Only the high ranking officers within the Saviors know where it is"

Pyrrha : "but, do you know where it is ?"

Me : "no, but the Generals know" i said as they sighed in relieve.

Marie : "then, good luck"

Pyrrha : "be safe and please get more sleep"

Me : "i will"

Marie + Pyrrha : "bye! See you next time!" Was the last thing i heard before everything went bright. I then opened my eyes to see Vernal shaking me.

Vernal : "Hey!! Wake up!!" She yelled while still shaking me.

Me : "i'm awake, calm down"

Vernal : "Raven wants to see you" she then stood up and offered me her hand which i took.

Me : "thank you" i said as she just looked at me annoyed.

Vernal : "just get going already! She's waiting at the gates" She said before i left the tent. As i walked around the camp, the tribe members were all looking at me with hostility. I can't blame them. I did attacked and burned most of their previous camp. But as i was looking at what they're doing, i realized that they were all working together just like a normal society. Better even. I then finally reached the gates where i saw Raven waiting for me.

Me : "sorry for being late"

Raven : "whatever. Anyways, let's go. I already told them that we're just going to scout Tetsutoshi. So nobody will disturb out training"

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