Part 18 : a chocolate and a rabbit

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

Today i woke up to see Winter hugging my arm again but the weird thing is that she didn't push me like yesterday. When she woke up she just greeted me with a 'good morning'. She even cooked me breakfast and to be honest, she's one of the best chef i know. She made me these things called 'pancakes' and i've never tasted something so good. But why would she do all this ? Doesn't she think of me as an enemy ? I mean, she's here to keep an eye on me because General Ironwood doesn't trust me right ? Why is she so friendly all of the sudden ? After the Weird morning i was having, Winter was called by Ironwood. I then decided to watch the tournaments but on the way to the colosseum, i saw Coco and Velvet.

Velvet : "(Y/N)!" I heard Velvet calling my name when she noticed me. How did she even know that it was me ? I'm wearing a cloak.

Coco : "hey (Y/N)!" She yelled too. I then quickly walked over to them before they started to make a scene.

Me : "hi guys, what are you doing here in Vale ? Aren't you going to watch the tournaments ?"

Coco : "nah, we already lost. Besides, why should we watch the tournaments when all the clothes are HALF PRICED FOR THE FESTIVAL!!!" She yelled the last part while Velvet just sighed.

Velvet : "anyways, i'm here to go shopping with her" she said as Coco suddenly walked over to me while smiling.

Me : "uhh... Coco ?" I said as she pulled my cloak off and started to touch my uniform. It was fine at first but then she started to touch my behind. I felt like i've been violated. She's worse than Yang.

Velvet : "hey Coco! Stop that! You're making him uncomfortable" she said with her cheeks red.

Coco : "i like your fashion sense (Y/N). Where did you get your outfit ?" She asked me with a grin on her face. I have to think of something fast. I can't tell them that i'm from the military, let alone the Elite Guard Corps.

Me : "it's uhh.... from.... Vacuo" please believe me.

Coco : "hmm.... i love it! I love the color! I love the patterns on it and maaan i love the feel it has on my hand. What's the material ?" She said as i just looked at her in confusion.

Me : "it's uhhh.... I don't know"

Coco : "it's okay, but I kinda want to see you in something else though. That outfit is amazing but you have potential" she said as Velvet just sighed.

Me : "potential ?" I asked as she just grinned.

Coco : "you're coming with us!" She said as she hold onto my arm while Velvet just stood there looking annoyed. She then hold onto my other arm.

Me : "uhh... Velvet ?" I said as she just stayed silent with her cheeks red.

Coco : "oooh.. I don't know you're so bold Velvet ?" She said with a taunting tone.

Velvet : "shut up, it's just that i uhh..... i-i don't want him to feel heavy on one side that's all" she said nervously. Wait, that doesn't make sense.

Me : "i uhhh....."was all i could say before they began dragging me against my will.

Me : "uhh... where are we going ?" I asked as they just kept dragging me.

Coco : "don't worry about it. You'll even be more handsome after we're done with you" she said while grinning which is making me worried. What is she going to do to me ?

Velvet : "everything's fine (Y/N), she's good at what she does" she said trying to reassure me which was not working. They dragged me through the streets for quite a while until we reached the town square where the last grimm attack took place. They then dragged me to a store called 'Chanel'.

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