Part 8 : a new enemy

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : "dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was reading in the Library with my teammates and team JNPR about the summer maiden and these so called Guard and Champions but I couldn't find anything useful. I sat there next to Pyrrha. She was looking for information on the maidens too. She insisted on helping me.

Me : 'this is useless, i should just ask Marie. Where is she anyway ?' I thought as i heard Weiss crying while hugging Ruby.  'What are they doing ?' I then walked over to their table.

Me : "what's wrong ?" I asked Weiss.

Weiss : "my forces have been destroyed!" She said quite loudly.

Yang : "hahah! That just means that you don't have what it takes to conquer remnant" Yang said proudly. Weiss just sat there crying like a child.

Ruby : "why don't you try playing (Y/N)?"

Me : "what is this ?"

Yang : "this. Is. Remnant the game where you play to conquer all of Remnant" she said as Ruby gave me a bunch of cards.

Me : 'most of these cards are based on real units used in the war' i thought as i was looking at the cards one by one. 'This reminds me of all the times i coordinated an attack or a siege back in the war but much much simpler.

Ruby : "so (Y/N) do you wanna play ?"

Yang : "unless you're too scared to play" she said in a challenging tone.

Me : "i want to play but all of the kingdoms are already taken"

Blake : "then play with me. You can help me conquer Remnant"

Ruby : "why do (Y/N) have to play with you ? I'm the one who asked him to play in the first place"

Yang : "no, he wants to play with me" she said while blinking one of her eyes again. 'Why does she do that ?' I thought.

Weiss : "since i'm playing as Vacuo, his country of origins. He will play with me" she said proudly.

Me : "that actually makes the most sense so i'll play with you Weiss" she the smiled as she used her glyphs to carry a chair next to her.

Yang : "okay then (Y/N), i'll make you regret not choosing me! Vacuo has already been cornered by me and Blake since Weiss is so bad at this game"

Weiss : "hey!"

Blake : "yeah! We will destroy you!"

Me : "why are you all conspiring against me ?"

Ruby : "no reason, now Game on!"

(Time skip a few minutes)

Me : "game over" i said with my usual cold tone  and a blank expression on my face.

RBY : "WHAT?! HOW?!" The all yelled in unison.

Weiss : "me and (Y/N) are victorious. Remnant is ours!" She said proudly while standing on her chair.

Yang : "that's only a beginner's luck (Y/N) let's play one more time!"

(Time skip one hour)

Me : "victory is ours" i said as they finally gave up. We've been playing the game for an hour and I've conquered Remnant eight times already.

Yang : "how did you do it ?" She said with a tone full of despair.

Me : "instinct i guess" i said to them while they just groaned in annoyance. 'I can't tell them that i've done this kind of thing before' I thought as Ruby suddenly tapped the table.

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