Part 36 : Homecoming

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I opened my eyes to see that i'm back on the beaches once again. After the raid in Tetsutoshi, i need something like this.

??? : "you did it (Y/N), i always knew that you could" i hear a voice coming from behind me. I turned my head to see Pyrrha standing there.

Me : "thank you.... Pyrrha. Really, I don't even know what would happen without you" i said as she just smiled.

Pyrrha : "your welcome. but still, are you sure about what you're doing next ?"

Me : "of course. I have to do this" her face showed nothing but sadness. But then suddenly, a smile.

Pyrrha : "if I can't change your decision, then i'll support that decision the best i can"

Me : "thank you Pyrrha" she then hugged me for a while until....

Marie : "hey, what's going on here ?" I turned around to see Marie walking over to us.

Me : "hi Marie"

Marie : "(Y/N), i'm only want to say that i support your decision. And that i wish you the best of luck. So please... don't get yourself hurt, or worse. I don't know what i'll do if that were to happen" she said with a saddened face as i patted her head.

Me : "don't worry. I'll survive this war"

Marie + Pyrrha : "you promise ?"

Me : "yes"

Marie : "good. When this is all over, there's something that i really want to do"

Pyrrha : "me too. Ever since i met you, there's something that i always wanted to say. So please, after everything is over, please promise to still be here with me"

Me : "i promise" then..... everything went bright.

I opened my eyes to see a window. Outside, there's only white. They floor is shaking. I looked around to see soldiers sitting beside me. Some were nervous, some were joyous and some..... terrified.

??? : "Colonel, we're having some minor turbulence. Sorry to wake you from your rest" i turned towards the voice to see Joseph standing there.

Me : "it's fine. And please, just call me (Y/N) like you used to" i said as he just smiled.

Joseph : "sorry about that (Y/N), we're officially on duty now. Well, we're not really official soldiers now"

Me : "hmm..... some would call us rebels now, considering what we're doing" he chuckled a bit after hearing what i said.

Joseph : "yeah, it's kinda ironic isn't it ?"

Me : "what is ?"

Joseph : "the fact that we're rebels now. I mean we used to be the ones fighting rebels for the kingdom. But now we're the rebels fighting the kingdom. It's kinda weird if you think about it"

Me : "hmm..... oh yeah, it does actually" he then chuckled again.

Joseph : "by the way, let's check the cockpit. It won't be long till we get there"

Me : "sure, let's go. I'm tired of just sitting here anyways" we then got up and walked towards the cockpit. As we entered, i could see the blue skies through the windshield.

Pilot : "sir, there. 12 o'clock" he said as i looked forward. All i could see was the blue ocean until.......

Me : "finally" i could barely see it, but it's there. A thin line of white. I've been on this airship for days. And now, i could finally see it....

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