Part 3 : a new home

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(Y/N) : your name
(H/C) : hair color
(E/C) : eye color
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

(This happens after chapter 10 of volume 1)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just stood here looking at what they called Beacon academy. It's different than in Vacuo. I've never seen this many green in one place. Do i even deserve this ?

Ozpin : "(Y/N)? You ready to see your new home ?" He said while walking out of the airship.

Me : "yes sir" i answered with my usual cold tone and a blank expression on my face.

Gylnda : "come on then, i can't wait till you see the rest of beacon" she said with the warmest smile i've ever seen.

Me : "yes ma'am"

We all got out of the airship and we walked towards the entrance. As we walked, i could see many trees and many people who were talking and smiling. This place has something that Vacuo had been missing for years.


(Time skip a few hours in the girl's dorm)

(Ruby's POV)

Headmaster Ozpin is calling my team to his office to help a new student. He said this is important. I need to get my team quickly. I opened my dorm door to see my team lounging around inside.

Me : "c'mon team! The headmaster is calling us!" I see weiss rolling her eyes while she sighed.

Weiss : "what did you do this time ?"

Me : " what do you mean what did i do ? Anyways let's go! We can't keep him waiting!"

Blake : "why so urgent anyways ?" She said while reading her book.

Me : "i think it's about a new student or something"

Weiss : "a transfer student ?"

Me : "something like that"

Blake : "who is this transfer student"

Me : "i don't know, I haven't met him yet"

Yang : "oooh so it's a he" yang said with a smirk.

Me : "yang! We don't have time for this! Lets go!" I said as i grabbed all of them and use my semblance to get to the elevator quickly.

Yang : "ruby... don'!" Yang said while panting.

Weiss : "i think i'm going to be sick"

Blake : "i think i feel a fur ball coming out" thats a weird thing to say.

RWY : "what ?"

Blake : "nothing" she said suspiciously.

Me : "anyways, get ready! We're nearly there!" I said as my team tidy up their messy clothes due to me dragging them using my semblance.

As the elevator door opened, i saw the headmaster and professor Goodwitch talking to somebody wearing a weird looking uniform and a scary mask and also a funny looking hat.

(Flashback 2 minutes ago)

(Ozpin's POV)

I stood looking at (Y/N) while he was looking through the window.

Me : 'he's just like a child' i thought as i see him admiring the view while Glynda was looking at him like a mother looking at her child walking out of his home for the first time.

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