Part 1 : the last one

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(Ozpin's POV)

Me and Glynda are standing inside an airship with Ironwood and a few Atlas soldiers. We were asked to help Ironwood to recover something "important" in Vacuo.

Me : "you still haven't told me what we're recovering here James" i said a little irritated that he still haven't told me that even though we're only minutes away from our destination.

Glynda : "I don't like this. Tell us everything!" She said while glaring at Ironwood who could only sigh in defeat.

Ironwood : "fine, i have a reliable source who gave me intel about the potential whereabouts of the summer maiden" me and Glynda were genuinely shocked by this.

Glynda : "d-don't tell me t-that she's here in Vacuo" Ironwood then nodded with a serious look on his face.

Ironwood: "she's in a secret facility hidden in the mountains"

Me : "and you didn't tell me this, why ?"

Ironwood : "this is a secret beyond top secret. I can risk having a spy in beacon and i thought that if i told you in the last second it would be more of a surprise" we could only facepalm ourselves when we heard the last part.

Me : "please don't do anything like this ever again" i said as Glynda glared at him in anger.

Ironwood: "sure thing and whoa, take it easy there Glynda " He said while taking a few step back.

Pilot : "sir ? We're approaching the facility" the pilot said as we all looked through the windows after we heard explosions coming from below.

Ironwood: "looks like the rebels were here first"

Me : "i thought you said that this place is top secret ?!" He then walked over to me.

Ironwood : "there has been rumors that there are people that took profit from the civil war"

Me : "like Atlas ?" I said sarcastically earning a glare from him.

Ironwood: "this one is different, i think they're trying to take the summer maiden by using the civil war"

Me : "hmmm..... interesting"

The explosions keeps getting louder and louder as we were approaching the facility.

Glynda : "how far away is this faci-" she was cut off when the airship suddenly stopped.

Ironwood : " looks like we're here. Okay men, get ready to move"

Glynda : "we're going on foot ?"

Ironwood : "yes, we need to maintain stealth. The other kingdoms cannot know that we're here" he said while he holstered his pistol.

Me : "okay then, shall we ?"

Ironwood : "ladies first"

Glynda : "uugh fine!" She rolled her eyes as she walked out of the airship. As she took her first step in the desert sands, her eyes were soon fixated on something amazing.

 As she took her first step in the desert sands, her eyes were soon fixated on something amazing

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The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now