Part 37 : shady business pt.1

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

Vacuo. By now, people would say that this patch of sand is nothing but a barren wasteland. A beautiful gem tainted by the dirt of war. But for us, we could only call this place one thing....... home.

But still, as i stood in the outskirts of the capitol gazing upon the city, the only thing that was on my mind was a question. Why did we fight back then ?

That question kept wandering around my head as we approached the city entrance. During the battle of Shade, the outer eastern part of the city was left in ruins. Thousands of lives was lost in the span of that one month. But at least the people has returned to the other parts of the city. It's good to see that the city has already recovered after what had happened. As i was deep in thought, i felt a hand pulling my shirt. I turned my head to see Neo, dressed in a regular civilian outfit as she pulled out her scroll and wrote something.

Neo : "hey (Y/N), how far is shade from here ?" I could tell that she's already exhausted after all the walking we've done. It looked like she's not used to the heat here in Vacuo.

Me : "hang in there Neo, shade is in the eastern part of the city"

Neo : "where are we now ?"

Me : "well, we just entered through the western city gate" as i said that, Neo's face turned to utter shock.

Neo : "wait, does that mean that we have to walk all the way to the other end of the city ?"

Me : "yes, so hang in the-" i was cut off by Neo fainting to the ground.

Me : "Neo ? Hey Neo. Come on, we need to hurry" i poked her cheeks but she just wouldn't move.

Me : "well, it can't be helped" i said to myself as i picked her up and carried her on my back.

Me : "and by the way, i know you're faking it" i said as i felt her grip tightened on my back.

(Time skip one hour)

After about an hour of walking, we finally reached the eastern end of the city. Unlike the rest of the capitol, this place was still under reconstruction. There were still many rubbles left by the war. This place sure brings many memories. After a while walking through the rubbles and ruins, i could finally see it......

 After a while walking through the rubbles and ruins, i could finally see it

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(I used this picture because i think that it's more awesome 😎)

Me : "shade academy. hey Neo, wake up. We're here" i said while shaking her to wake her up. I could then see her eyelids opened. She then gazed towards the view in front of us and took out her scroll before taking a picture. She then showed me something on her scroll.

Neo : "is this shade ?" Was written on her scroll.

Me : "yes, it's amazing isn't it ?"

Neo : "yeah, but what happened to the tower on the right ?"

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