Part 9 : secrets

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(Y/N) : "your name"
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here amazed while looking at my teammates fighting the Paladin.

Me : 'I haven't seen a Paladin since the battle of Shade' I thought as i saw it firing it's weapons at my teammates.

Ruby : "checkmate!" Ruby said as Weiss and Blake began to use a series of group attacks on the Paladin's legs.

Me : 'they have good teamwork. Thought not as organized as the soldiers back in Vacuo' i thought as i saw Weiss damaging one of the laser sights on the Paladin with her rapier.

Ruby : "ladybug!" She yelled before she, Blake and Weiss suddenly used a series of group attacks on the Paladin severing one of it's hands. I then see Yang hitting the top of the Paladin while shooting it with her shotgun gauntlets.

Me : 'they're good but their powers alone aren't enough to bring down the Paladin enough' i thought as i signaled Marie to hide since she can't use her power for a while and made my way to Ruby.

Ruby : "(Y/N)! Be careful that thing is though"

Me : "it's weakness is there under it's arms" i said as i pointed at where the Paladin's weak spot was.

Blake : "how do you know that ?"

Me : "trust me! I've fought Paladins before" they looked at me in confusion.

Ruby : "what do you mean you've fought a Paladin before ?"

Me : "look, i have a plan. I need you guys to slow it down and i'll destroy it" i said as i see Yang fighting the Paladin alone.

Weiss : "what?! This sounds dangerous (Y/N), are you sure you can do this?" She asked me in concern.

Me : "i've done this many times. Trust me, i can do this" i said as i rushed towards the Paladin. "Slow it down!" I said as i kept running. 'This will be way easier if we have rockets'i thought as i saw Yang blocking the Paladin's melee attack.

Ruby : "ice flower!" She said as she and Weiss combined their attacks and fired some kind of beam the Paladin covering it in ice.

Me : "Yang, steer clear!" I yelled as she jumped away from the Paladin. I then jumped the paladin and i grabbed one of the bombs i crafted from my pocket and planted it on it's weak spot. I then jumped down and took cover.

BOOM!!!! The paladin's arm exploded and the cockpit was destroyed. I sighed in relief until i saw that there were blood on my chest.

Me : 'i must've been hit by shrapnels' i thought as i saw my teammates ran over to me.

RWBY + Marie : "(Y/N)!" They said as i saw Roman behind me. He shot his cane at me but i dodged the shot.

Roman : "you're really an interesting one aren't you (Y/N)"

Me : "how do you know my name ?" I asked as i readied my scimitar.

Roman : "an ally told me a lot more about you (Y/N). And she told me that the Elite Guards were supposed to be extinct but here's one now. I gotta say, now i know why you guys were so feared" he said as my teammates finally reached me. Then a little girl suddenly appeared beside him. She looked shocked to see me.

Me : "Neo ? What are you doing here ?" I asked.

Roman : "you two knew each other ? Well, time to go, Neo if you'd please" he said before Neo looked at me with a sad expression and suddenly teleported herself and Roman along with her.

Me : "damn it" i said before i felt my strength suddenly left my body. 'Looks like i lost a lot kf blood' i thought as i drop to the ground. The last thing i saw was my team screaming my name.

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