Part 6 : blast from the past

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here on the streets of vale looking down towards a little girl with pink and brown hair. She was pouting while looking at me. I then realized that when I bumped into her, I accidentally causing her to drop her..... what is that ?

Me : "I'm sorry, are you okay little girl ?" I said as i helped her to get up. i tried to apologize to her but she just kept pouting in silence.

Me : 'did my mask scare her ?' I thought as i opened my mask revealing my face to her.

Me : "i'm sorry did i scare you ?" I said as she shook her head no.

Me : "then why won't you say anything ?" I said as she pulled out her scroll.

??? : "i'm a mute" i just looked at her in confusion. (Her dialogues are texts from her scroll)

Me : "mute ?"

??? : "it means that i can't talk" she showed me her scroll while still pouting.

Me : "sorry about that" i said while i patted her head.

??? : "don't worry about it. I'm Neo by the way" her scroll says.

Me : "it's a pleasure to meet you Neo, my name is (Y/N)"

Neo : "nice to meet you too but you owe me an ice cream"

Me : "ice cream ? What's that ?" She had a surprised look on her face before she pointed at the ground and i saw some kind of beverage bing spilled all over the sidewalk.

Neo : "you owe me, now buy me one" she held up her scroll while pouting.

Me : "fine, where can i get one ?" She then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the direction of the park. We walked through the park until i saw a cart with a man wearing a weird hat.

Neo : "there you go. Now, buy me one" she pointed at the cart.

Me : "sure thing" i said as i approached the cart with her beside me.

Ice cream man : "what can i get you two lovely couple today ?" When he said that, Neo's cheeks went red.

Me : 'couple ? what's wrong with her ?' I thought as the man kept looking at me waiting for me to answer.

Me : "which one do you want ?" I asked her. She seemed nervous. 'Why is she nervous ?' She then pointed at her hair but i just stared at her in confusion.

Neo : "i'm trying to tell you to get me the neopolitan" her scroll said as she kept pouting.

Me : "okay then, one neopolitan ice cream please" i said as the man gave me the ice cream. As i looked at the ice cream I realized something. 'This really does look like her' i thought before Neo suddenly pointed the ice cream at my face.

Me : "what ?"

Neo : "try it. You haven't eaten an ice cream before right ?"

Me : "no thanks" she looked angry.

Neo : "TRY. IT" she held her scroll with a terrifying look on her face.

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