Part 4 : the first day

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(Y/N) : your name
(H/C) : hair color
(P/N) : pet name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood in a strange yet familiar place. There were sands everywhere. The skies were dark and it was covered in smoke.

I looked behind me to see a familiar looking gate. It was covered by sand and blood. After awhile, i soon remembered that these are the gates of the fortress Kazak. The place of my last battle as an Elite Guard. I walked around for a moment until i heard a voice.

??? : "you shouldn't be alive" the voice was strange yet familiar.

Me : "who's there ?" I looked behind me to se a shadowy figure standing in front of me.

??? : "you've forgotten me already ? What about the rest of us ?" When he said the last part, suddenly hundreds of shadowy figures appeared all around me.

Me : "what's going on ? Why am i here ? Who are you ?" I said as i unsheathed my scimitar.

??? : "perhaps this will help you remember" when he said that, him and all of the shadowy figures started to change and i could see them wearing Elite Guard uniforms.

Me : "you're all dead, Why are you here ?!"

??? : "we're here for you. You should've died the day we lost the war! You should've died the day you failed your mission!!!" He said as he charged towards me.

As he was rushing towards me with his scimitar in his hands, I wanted to block his attack but a part of me knew that what he said was true, All of it. I should've died that day. I stood there with my eyes closed ready to receive my death, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see that i'm no longer in Kazak instead i saw a beach with bright yellow sand, clear blue water and tall coconut trees. I've never seen anything like this. This place is.... what's the word i was looking for ? I stopped thinking when i heard an unfamiliar woman spoke.

??? : "you can't die just yet (Y/N)" the sun above was so bright I couldn't see her face.

Me : "who are you ? And how do you know my name ?" I said as i walked towards her.

??? : "all will be explained in time (Y/N), and i know more about you than what you know about yourself" i was confused. This woman came out of nowhere and now she's telling me that she know me. This is strange.

Me : "where am i ?"

??? : "you're in my astral world. I created this little world just for you"

Me : "for me ? Why ?"

??? : "I have chosen you to be my guard"

Me : "your guard ?" I said before another voice could be heard calling me.

??? : "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" The voice was familiar. Wait, is that Weiss ?

??? : "looks like our time here is up. You should wake up now"

Me : "no wait!" I said as everything went blur and i opened my eyes to see weiss shaking me violently. She looked, concerned ?

Weiss : "(Y/N)! What's wrong with you ? I was trying to wake you up for more than half an hour now!"

Me : "nothing Weiss. I was just too tired to wake up" Weiss just sighed after i said that.

Yang : "oooh did Weiss cuddling your hand felt really good it made you sleep like that" i looked to the right to see the rest of the team looking at me. I looked at Weiss to see that she was,   Nervous ? And her cheeks seemed to be red while the rest of the team just chuckled.

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now