Part 5 : Life in Beacon

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(Y/N) : your name
(H/C) : hair color
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here looking at Glynda with Cardin screaming in pain in front of me. She looked furious.

Glynda : "Cardin! The headmaster's office NOW!!!"

Cardin : "but what about him!" He said pointing at me.

Glynda : "do you need me to repeat myself!!"

Cardin : "damnit!" Was all he could say as he painfully walked towards the exit.

Glynda : "and as for you" she said to me in a calm tone.

Me : "i'm sorry ma'am! It will not happen again!" I said as i saluted her like a soldier. The other students just laughed at me.

Glynda : "(Y/N), you should stop calling me that. Anyways, you could go back to eating now" she said with a smile as she leaved.

Me : "yes ma'a- i mean aunt Glynda"

Other students : "WHAAAA!!!!!" They all said in unison.

Glynda : "yes mister (Y/N) here is my nephew right (Y/N)?" they all jaw dropped when they heard what she said and they looked at me.

Me : "yes aunt Glynda"

Glynda : "now if you'll excuse me, i have matters to attend to and please try to avoid any more trouble" she said before leaving the cafeteria.

Me : "yes aunt Glynda" i said before the rabbit faunus girl approached me from behind.

??? : "t-thank you for helping me. Nobody have ever helped a faunus here before"

Me : "where i come from, we treat humans and faunus the same" she looked at me in awe but her cheeks were red. 'Is she scared ?'

??? : "m-my name is Velvet, Velvet Scarlatina. What's your name?"

Me : "didn't professor Goodwitch just said my name ?"

Velvet : "oh yeah! You're (Y/N)! Sorry about that hehe.." she laughed nervously.

Me : "don't worry about that. Anyways, if they ever treat you like that again, don't hesitate to fight back. I'm not sure there will always be someone to help. Sometimes you just have to fight yourself" i said as before she pulled me into a bone breaking hug. 'Wow, she's strong'

Velvet : "t-thank you (Y/N)"

Me : "uhh.. miss V-velvet ? C-cant breath here" i said weakly earning a chuckle from her.

Velvet : "sorry about that" she said before a girl wearing a beret called her.

Me : "i think your friend is calling you there"

Velvet : "oh. I gotta go, i hope we see each other again soon. BYE (Y/N)!" She said before running towards her friend.

Me : "uuhh... bye ?" Was all i could say before walking back towards the table to see them all staring at me.

Me : "what ?"

Ruby : "WOW(Y/N)!THATWASSOCOOLOFYOU!!" She said after standing up.

Me : "huh ?"

Pyrrha : "it's good to see that somebody finally taught Cardin a lesson" she said while smiling at me. That smile made me feel strange.

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