Part 10 : the dance ?

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been a few days since i was discharged from the hospital and since my teammates and team JNPR knew about the truth of what i am. Everything seems fine. Now i'm back to school again. I sat here in Glynda's class watching a match between Pyrrha and team CRDL.

Me : 'she's very skilled but can she fight like that in the chaos of war ?' I thought as she finished off Cardin by smashing him to the ground.

Glynda : "and that's the match" she said as she walked towards the arena.

Cardin : "lucky shot" he said before collapsing to the ground.

Glynda : "well done miss Nikos, you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament"

Pyrrha : "thank you professor"

Glynda : "alright, now i know that was a though act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers ? Miss Belakang ? You've been rather docile this past few classes. Why don't you-" she was cut off by a grey haired guy.

??? : "i'll do it"

Glynda : "Mercury is it ? Very well, let's find you an opponent"

Mercury : "actually, i wanna fight him" he said pointing at me.

Glynda : "(Y/N)? I recommend you choose another partner"

Me : "it's fine aunt Glynda, i will fight" i said as i walked towards the arena. We then took each other's places and readied ourselves for the fight.

Me : 'no weapon ? He must be skilled in hand to hand combat' i thought as he took his stance. When i saw his stance, i realized something.

Me : 'i know that stance' i thought as i sheathed my sword. Everybody was surprised by my bold move but Mercury just smiled.

Mercury : "now this is interesting" he said as he charged forward and attacked me using his leg which i parried using my arms.

Me : 'he's good but the commander taught me better' i thought as i saw an opening and kicked his leg causing him to fall down. He quickly got up but i jabbed him multiple times and i used a wire fu kick to send him to the wall.

(It's like that but way more powerful when
(Y/N) did it)

His aura was down to half after that kick. He then got up and walked towards me.

Mercury : "you're good. Where did you learn to that ?"

Me : "shut up and fight" i said as i charged at him as he was trying to back kick me but i parried it with my arm and elbowed him on the neck. I then used a series of punching techniques and i finished it off with a powerful tornado kick.

The kick sent him flying back. His aura was on the red. He then got up and i was ready to charge at him before....

Mercury : "i forfeit"

Me : "fight to the end"

Mercury : "hell no, now that i know what you're capable off, we're leagues apart"

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