Part 21 : a sad kitten

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood on top of building looking down upon thousands maybe even tens of thousands of men, women and children walking through the ruined city trying to escape this hell called.......... war. As i turned my head, i saw her........ she had a strange expression on her face. She looked........ sad ?

Mother : "(O/N)" she suddenly called my name as she was looking at the people fleeing the city.

Me : "yes ma'am ?" I replied before she turned her head facing me.

Mother : "tell me, what do you see in front of you ?" She said as she turned her gaze back towards the fleeing refugees.

Me : "i see refugees ma'am" i answered coldly as she looked down to the ground.

Mother : "what you're seeing..... is the outcome of war.... suffering, death, destruction. That is what war brought us..... and that's why it needs to end" she said as i just looked at her confused before she walked away which i followed.

Mother : "seeing my country like this........ it's sad" she said with a sad expression.

Me : "sadness is weakness" i said as she looked at me. The last thing i saw was sadness in her eyes before everything went bright.......



As i opened my eyes, my vision began to get clear. I felt something poking my cheek as i raised my head. I turned my head to see Blake poking my cheek. It looked like she was trying to wake me. I looked around me and i remembered something. I was inside a Bullhead with Blake heading to Vale before i fell asleep and it looked like we finally arrived. That's why Blake decided to wake me up.

Blake : "come on (Y/N), let's go" she said as she  stood up from her seat and walked outside before i followed.

Me : "so, where do you want to go Blake ?" I asked as she turned to face me with a smile.

Blake : "let's go and check out the carnival" she said with a smile.

Me : "okay then, let's go" i said as she held my hand before we walked together towards the carnival. After walking for quite a while, we finally reached carnival. There were many shops and hundreds if not, thousands of people there.

Blake : "wow, it's so crowded"

Me : "yeah" i said as i looked at the people all around us.

Blake : "let's get something to eat"

Me : "sure, let's find a place to eat" i said as i walked forward before i felt someone touching my hand. I looked behind me to see Blake holding my hand with her cheeks red.

Blake : "y-you s-should hold my h-hand..... you know, s-so that we won't be s-separated b-by the crowd" she said nervously as she held my hand tighter.

Me : "sure Blake" i said as i held her hand and walked through the crowd trying to find a place to eat.

(Blake's POV)

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