Part 27 : aftermath

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues

(Ruby's POV)

me and Weiss were running towards the CCT tower to look for Pyrrha. When we got there, the elevator was gone. Weiss then used her semblance to create glyphs to help me reach the top of the tower.

Weiss : "you can do this" she said as i nodded before i ran towards the tower and just ran with all my might to the top. when i got to the top, all i saw was................................

Pyrrha : "(Y/N)!!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" i saw Pyrrha screaming her lungs out. i then looked at the direction she was looking at and i see Marie laying against the wall with blood all over her. she was still breathing though. but when i looked towards the edge, i saw him........

Ruby : "(Y-Y/N)?..............." was all i could say. my mouth couldn't say any more as i saw him, with a sword piercing through his chest. blood were splattered all over the air as the woman in front of him pulled the sword out of him. i could only stare, my body wouldn't move as i saw his body falling from the edge of the tower.

Pyrrha : "YOU!!!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!" i heard Pyrrha yelling at the woman. something was different with Pyrrha. i've never seen her making that face before, a face of pure rage.

Woman : "Pyrrha Nikos, you'll die here" she said as Pyrrha charged at her. she then attacked the woman with all the strength she had left. i ran towards the tower but as i was running, i saw Pyrrha falling to the ground  as i saw Cinder pointing a bow to her chest. i ran towards them but i was too late. the arrow pierced through her heart and Pyrrha was gone. my body suddenly felt weak. i fell down to my knees as i saw her remains floating to the sky.

me : "why ?............" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. why ? why can't save them ? Pyrrha................................ Marie...............................

me : "why ?..........." i could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as my chest was hurting. then, something suddenly snapped within me. the words Pyrrha said that inspired me, the day Marie cooked me the best cookies my mouth have ever tasted, the day.................(Y/N) met my mom. the words he said to me that day.................... the way his strength inspired me........................ but he's gone now 

me : "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

then...........everything went bright.............

It's all right, i gotcha kiddo......... i gotcha......

Was the last thing i heard

(Time skip)

everything was bright.......................

Dad : "ugh, nothing" i heard my dad's voice. he sounds troubled.

uncle Qrow : "just turn it off. without the CCT, there's no point" I heard uncle Qrow too.

Dad : "communications down across the entire kingdom, no way to contact the outside world, and Ozpin's still missing"

uncle Qrow : "yeah"

Dad : "this is bad Qrow"

uncle Qrow : "yeah, this is bad"

(Time skip one hour)

I opened my eyes to see a familiar ceiling. The wooden walls....... the green curtains......... the window, overlooking a beautiful tree outside. I remembered this place.................... my home.

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