Chapter 1 - Getting Ready

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 6:05 am // Grace's POV:

I woke up with the blaring, excruciating pain, loud alarm going off again. Sometimes I wish to go and drift off back to sleep and dream what I want to dream without anything disturbing me. I can never get a time for that and it's pissing me off.

 I tried to go back to sleep again but unfortunately, my mother tried to wake me up.

 "Grace, sweetie you have to get up now!" My mum said, demanding.

 "No I don't and what is the point of getting up anyway? It's a waste of time" I muffled.

 "Yes I know how you feel but today is a big day, do you know what day it is?" My mum asked.

 "Another school day, I know" I said in my "I-don't-care" tone

 "No, something very exciting" My mum said, eagerly.

As soon as my mum said "something very exciting", it finally hit me. I was moving to Australia today. Usually if any American moves to Australia, they would be very excited. But for me, I was feeling very nervous. Punches in the stomach, butterflies flying everywhere. It's doesn't usually happen to me but if you're moving to a new country, you're obviously going to get one of these things, or both.

"Oh yeah, I'm moving to Australia today" I said, excitedly.

"Not to Australia, but to the most popular city in Australia, Sydney" She said, trying to convince me, just so that she can get me even more excited.

I got up and went down to the kitchen to get breakfast. I could smell the burnt toast that Brad would always burn and dad would use the fire extinguisher. I saw my dad and my older brother, Brad. Brad is 17 and is a pain in the ass. Whenever you need him, he's always lazy and always a little shit. People with brothers and/or sisters can probably understand this. But I love him though and he loves me.

 "Morning dad" I yawned.

 "Morning sweetheart, did you have a good sleep?" He asked.

 "Yeah, pretty good" I explained.

It was a usual weekday/weekend routine. Greeting everyone with a "Good morning", bumping into Brad every time when I want to make toast or other things, greet each other with stupid names, talk about random things around the table, it's a family thing. Well, sort of.

"Watch out dickhead, you nearly spilt my orange juice" Brad said with an angry tone.

"Oh wow, my big, shitty brother is worried about his orange juice... said no one ever"

“Hey! You two, watch your mouths, otherwise, we are all not moving to Australia ok?” Said mum.      

“Yeah whatever” We both said, in sync.

We all ate our breakfast and we all talked as a happy family together. I started to get my clothes that I organised last night, which is a navy and white tie-dyed tank top, black skinny jeans and black converse. I like to dress casually and nicely, not slutty and stupid like those teenagers.

I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and went into the shower. The shower was nice, warm and relaxing, but it's not going to be the same when I'm going to be moving the Sydney. The shower is probably going to be rusty, cold with insects coming out of it, no body wash, no nice things. God, I'm so going to be excited for Sydney.

I got out of the shower, dried myself, put on my clothes and went back to my bedroom to collect my curling wand. I made my hair curly but not as curly, I burnt myself 11 times which I got pretty used to because that's what I do every time I curl my hair, which is why I don't try to curl my hair often because my hair is usually wavy anyway.

I got my make up stuff up. I put on my mascara, eyeliner, a little bit of lip balm on, no eye shadow because it's just going to ruin my eyelids, bronzer because what's the point of foundation and blush. I wasn't an expert on make up things but I knew what to use and where to put it.

I put my dental stuff, my curling wand, my hair dryer and my make up bag in my suitcase so just in case I won't forget. I was pretty much organised due to the fact that I already packed my clothes, shoes, photos and many other things I wanted to bring along with me.

 I went downstairs to see if any of the family members were ready so I could pop my suitcases and pillows in the car. I saw my mum and dad just putting their stuff in the car, so I went back upstairs to get my things and put them in the car.

There would probably be a 99.9% chance that Brad won’t be ready in time, actually, let’s make that 100% shall be? If Brad is not ready by the time we leave, I swear to god, I’m going to kick him in the guts.

I helped mum and dad with the bags and the suitcases after I’ve put mine in.

“Thanks for the help poppet, I really appreciate it” Dad cried.

“That’s ok dad, I was organised and bored so I helped just packing the stuff” I explained

Calls, yells, screams and shouts were coming from each sections of the house, just because Brad wasn’t ready yet. After minutes on end, Brad was finally ready. Thank god, I wanted to kill him. When Brad got to the car, mum told him that he needed to put his stuff in the trunk due to the fact that we all had to wait for him to get ready. Nice one mum, that’s such a great payback.

It took him a while to find a space for him just so that he could put his stuff in the trunk. Maybe because the trunk is loaded with bags and suitcases and it takes a while for him to put it in the trunk.

Finally, I jumped a little as the trunk door slammed. Brad got in the car and bloody bumped into me again.

“Move over faggot, you’re taking up the whole fucking space” He spat.

“Like I so fucking care” I spat back.

“Remember what I said you two, I am this close for getting out of the car and not go anywhere” Dad showed how much, as you can tell, it wasn’t that much.

Dad started to put the key into the ignition. Butterflies were coming out of my stomach and punches were being flown out my body (not literally). The more I thought about moving, the more I get nervous. I looked at our house which was not going to be our house for one last time, I felt like I wanted to cry but nothing came out. This is going to be the last time I’m going to be seeing Louisiana for a very long time. Goodbye Shreveport, Louisiana, hello Sydney, Australia.


A/N: Hey guys, hoped you loved chapter 1 of this fan fiction. As soon as I posted this chapter, I’m going to start chapter 2, hope you love it so far :)


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