Chapter 27 - Get Out Of Our Lives

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Grace's POV:

I gasped when Nicole was at Luke's door, how does she know Luke's address? Why is she even here? I fucked her away, she was scared as hell. 

"The fuck are you doing here?" I growled. 

"Didn't you get my message?" She spat. 

"No and I'm glad I fucking didn't" I gritted my teeth. 

"Why are you getting angry?" She asked. 

"Why are you so bloody obsessed with me?" I growled.

"I'm not" She scoffed, 

"Bullshit, is this one of your mind games of spying again? Because if it is, then you're losing" I hissed. 

"Get off of the Hemmings's property, ya not welcome here" Michael crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. 

"Not until Ashton and Grace says sorry" She folded her arms. 

"Pfft since when did I do anything to you? You fucked up, not us" Ashton snorted. 

 "You wish Irwin, you're the one who wanted to break up with me" She argued. 

 "I only broke up with you so I could work with these guys, besides, during that time I thought that you were bit of a prick myself, perhaps you can run and cry about what you've actually done" He commented.

"So pretty much you're calling me a prick now and before?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Bitch, you're a prick everyday, no wonder no likes you and wants to hang out with you, you just want attention and popularity, particularly us" I said.

"You're a prick too because you're American and you stole my ex-boyfriend" She commented.

"You did not just say that" Michael gasped. 

"Yeah I did and I'm fucking proud of it" She confessed. 

Ashton's POV: 

Okay. Nicole is going way too out of line of this. Grace stomped away after the words that Nicole said that made her hurt. Luke went and followed Grace to see if she was ok. I kinda didn't want to let him go because I was going to do it, but since he's off, I might as well give in. 

"You have no idea how much of an idiot you are" Calum gritted his teeth. 

"You have no idea how idea how Asian you are" Nicole folded are arm. 

"Nicole you need to fuck off, think about the words that has been said and get out of our fucking lives!!!" I shouted.

"Well Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I will you little shit, maybe you can think about what we had because it was special, if Grace didn't existed, then it would have been better" I slammed the door in front of her and stomped away. Calum and Michael followed behind. 

"Wait, did Nicole just call your middle name?" Michael asked. 

"Yep and I clearly don't give a shit" I gritted my teeth.

I walked to the living room, seeing Grace, crying on the edge of the lounge and Luke sitting next to her by giving her a rub on her back. Luke's aware that she's mine, just in case, I still watch him even though Grace thinks I'm a little protective. 

"Baby, it's ok" I whispered as I kneeled down.

"Not it's not, she's such a put down and a prick" She sniffled. 

"We know Grace, we know" Luke put his head down. 

"We never really liked Nicole, we describe her as very loud and agressive" Calum explained. 

"Yeah and I have to agree" She agreed.

"You don't need Nicole as your friend, you have others, like us" Michael smiled. 

"I'm not Grace's friend, I'm her girlfriend" I smiled as I stand correct Michael. 

"Thanks guys, you guys are the best, especially Ashton" She chuckled. 

"Oi, where's my bloody share in this?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms. 

"Yeah, I stand you up just then" Michael furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms as well. 

"Guys I was only kidding" She laughed. 

"Hey, you guys wanna play more football?" Luke asked. 

"Yeah!" We all agree and we went outside. 

Omg Nicole!!!!!! Dat sassy ratchet haha, hope you liked this chapter, the next chapter will be more happier :)

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