Chapter 7 - The Nightmare

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3:20 pm // Ashton's POV:

Finally, I arrived home from school after a long busy day. I was so tired, my god, 6 hours of school, I can't handle this anymore. I dropped my bag on the floor, as if I was going to pick it up. My body plopped/dropped on the beautiful, soft, relaxing bed. I wasn't bothered to do anything, I wasn't bothered to get up. I'm right comfortable here and I don't give a shit. 

My eyelids is started to droop down. This was how tired I was. The next minute, I fell asleep. 

The Nightmare: 

Holy shit. Where the fuck am I? A classroom? That's kinda weird for a dream. Oh hey, there's Grace. She's looking kinda miserable. Is she ok?  I run over to her.

"Hey. are you ok?" I start to worry.

"Yeah, I'm ok" She said quietly.

"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong" I begged.

"Ok, Ashton, I can't love you anymore" She whimpered.

"What? What do you mean?" I cried. 

"It's just that, you're just not good enough for me, you seem to be more with your friends than me" She mumbles. 

"That's not true, you know I love you! Heaps, you're my little darling angel" I whimpered. 

"I'm sorry Ashton, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to shoot you" She sighed.


Grace broke down into tears. Salty tears came from Grace's eyes. I'm not going to let her do this. She took the gun out of her back pocket of her jeans. She choked on some tears. I'm starting to shake, why would she do this to me? I don't deserve this. She pointed the gun towards me. The vains in my arms start to pop out, muscles start to form. I could tell that the gun is about to kill me.


Her hands were on the trigger, she released the trigger. The bullet came out of the gun and started to come towards me. I'm scared as fuck, what am I going to do? I'm gonna die in about 2 seconds. 

"NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" I shouted and cried.

The bullet hit my chest. I was offically dead. Grace killed me with her gun. She's the angel with a shotgun. She fought for the worst one and that was me.

Real life:

I gasped with air, trying to get my breathing back to normal. Wow, that was one hell of a dream there. I looked at the time. 5:34pm. I slept for two hours, felt like 10 minutes. I sat up properly on my bed. I rubbed my eyes with exhaustion. I yawned with full power. I got up and went onto the computer. I checked out Facebook for a while, nothing was amusing me. I wanted to talk to Grace about the nightmare, but I'm too scared to. Is Grace online? Yes she is. Oh hell, what am I going to say to her? I just can't go straight into it, I have to talk about really slowly. I start to talk to her.

"Hey x" I messaged.

"Hey :)" She replied.

"How are you?"

"I'm good thanks. you?

"Yeah, tired haha"

"Haha same"

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah sure go ahead"

I don't know how to feel about this. How do I explain this? Will she get angry at me? Oh well here goes.

"Umm are you having a sandwich tomorrow?"

"Yes, hahaha why?"

"I don't know, I just like sandwiches, they're good for you"

"Haha fair enough, do you want a sandwich?, I can bring one if you like?"

"Haha no thanks, I'll have my own"


"Look, I'll better go, my mum needs help in the kitchen"

"Oh alright, I'll see ya tomorrow yeah?"

"Yep, you sure will :)"

"Ok see ya xx"

"Bye :)"

What the hell was that? That was just stupid. Fucking hell Ashton, get your shit together. Ugh far out man. Maybe I can talk to her tomorrow, might be better. 

I went to the kitchen to find mum. She might give me some advice. She was cutting up carrots

'Hey Ash, got much homework?" Mum asked.

"Nah, just French and English" I mumbled.

"Fair enough" Mum smiled.

There was a little pause, it was time that I should spit it out.

"Hey mum" I answered.

"Yes sweetie" Mum responded.

"If you have a nightmare of some sort, does that mean that you love someone?" I asked.

"Well, depends what kind of a nightmare you have, did you have one? Mum answered.

"Yeah just then" I replied.

"How could you have an nightmare 'just then'?, wouldn't it be daymare?" Mum questioned.

"I accidentally fell asleep as soon as we got home" I answered.

"Ohhh so that's what you've been doing for the past 2 hours?" Mum asked.

"Look, can you just shut up and please focus on what we were talking about?" I complained.

"Sorry, so what was your nightmare about? Mum remembered.

"Well I was in this some sort of classroom, who knows what was in there, then there was this girl who I knew from school, sitting at a table, feeling guilty and miserable, I came down to talk to her, she said that she didn't love me anymore, I tried to convinced her that I did, then she said that she was going to shoot me, I tried to stop her, but it was too late" I explained. 

"Wow, that's pretty full on" Mum said, shockingly. 

"Yep, pretty much" I muttered. 

"Well, I guess you wouldn't say 'love her' at this particular point in time, but who knows what might happen" Mum explained.

"So what are you saying? Am I going to love her or not?" I questioned. 

"You might, how long have you known this girl?" Mum wondered. 

"Since yesterday" I confessed. 

"Wow, you are one lucky man" Mum smiled.

"Not helping mother" I warned. 

"Sorry, look, once you have known her for a few weeks, come back to me and we'll take it from there, I may not be a huge love doctor, but I'll see what I can do" Mum promised. 

"Alright thanks mum" I gave her a hug. 

I went back to my room to do more thinking. I was absolutely mind blank. I've never had a crush before, well, apart from that girl in year 3. God that was embarrassing. I thought about it a little more, then, I finally had it. I'm going to make a motto, but I don't know what yet. I'll think about it at school, but right now, I need to do homework. I'll think about it more tomorrow.

Hey guys! I had to make it up as I went along towards the end, but that's ok, I'll figure something out in chapter 8. Hope you are loving the story so far :)

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