Chapter 27 - Get Out Of Our Lives (Intro)

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12:50 pm // Ashton's POV:

After when all of us setted up for tonight, Michael came. I guess I'm still a little pissed off at him and he is too. I guess I have to ignore him all this time. Then, all 5 of us went outside to play AFL. I like playing AFL, but I can't stand watching it. It gets too intense on TV and it's too uncomfortable. Since there was 5 of us, one of us had to be the umpire. Michael decided to be umpire because he wasn't physically ready for AFL. Everyone agrees that he's a pretty shitty umpire and he admits it, I have to agree, he doesn't even know how to throw a football properly.

Everyone was having fun, especially Grace, even though she didn't know the rules, but she kicked pretty good. Halfway though the game, we all heard the doorbell ring. Luke went inside to go and get the door. We all kept on playing, until we all heard shouting at the top of Luke's voice. We all looked at eachother, we all mentally agreed that we needed to go inside to see what was happening. We ran to see Luke. Turned out there was someone at the door that we all didn't like, Grace and I gasped, my heart was pounding. This was Grace's worst enemy, This was my ex-girlfriend, Nicole. 

Oooooo suspense, to be continued in the next part :)

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