Chapter 9 - A Day In A Life Of An Irwin (Part 1)

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Friday, 6th of February, 3:30 pm // Ashton's POV:

The bell finally went at the end of the day. This week as been pretty good. Now I only have to survine another 10 weeks of this term. saw the good ol' friends again, saw the teachers, as usual. But the most, best thing that happened this week, was meeting Grace. She's so down to earth, really really nice and quite funny too. If I didn't meet her in the first place, then I would've been hating school as ever. She's a lifesaver.

I packed my homework stuff for the weekend. Grace waited for me outside my locker so we could walk together to the "Kiss and Drop Off" area. Grace and I walked to the "Kiss and Drop Off" area, I saw her mum waiting in the car, desperately. As she started to walk, I stopped her into a halt. She turned around, like a romantic movie.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" I asked.

"No I don't think so, why?" She wondered.

"Would you like to like come over to my house tomorrow so we can study together?" I asked, nervously.

"Is this like a date or...?" She questioned.

"Ah... well... um, I didn't actually" I studder.

"Haha it's ok, I was messing with you and sure, I'll come over to your house" She laughed.

"Great" I smiled.

"Just text me your address when I get home ok?" She asked.

"Ok, bye Miss America" I winked

"See ya Mr Australia" She smiled. 

It turns me on when she says "Mr Australia. I start to walk home. Every Fridays, I walk home from school, so it gives mum a break for going to 2 places at once 4 days a week. If dad was here, he would've picked me up from school, but life makes it really hard for us. I arrived home from school. Mum was watching TV with Lauren.

"Mum! I'm home" I yelled.

"Hey Ashton, how was your day?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, alright" I shrugged.

"Anything special happened today?" Mum asked.

"Nah just the usual, we're not doing anything tomorrow are we?" I asked.

"No I don't think so, why? You boys have got something planned haven't you?" Mum wondered.

"No" I said.

"Then what's up?" Mum asked.

"Well, there's this new girl from school, her name is Grace Stromberg" I introduced.

"And...?" Mum said.

"And since we have the same lessons, I thought it would be a good idea to..." I tried to explain

"MUM! Ashton has a frog in his shoe again!" Harry interrupted.

"Seriously Harry? I'm trying to have a conversation with mum" I groaned.

"But there's a frog in your shoe!" Harry shrieked.

"Just let me talk to Ash for 5 seconds, then I'll handle the frog, ok?" Mum promised.

"Fine, but I'm still freaking out here!" Harry screamed.

"As I was saying, this new girl goes to my school and we both have the same lessons, I thought it would be a good idea if we could study together, is it ok with you?" I nervously asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. Tomorrow, I have the whole day with Glenn so I'll leave you with the house" Mum smiled.

"Sorry, who?" I cried.

"Oh didn't I tell you?, Glenn is from..."

"An online dating site" Lauren spat out.

"You're on an online dating site?" I growled.


"And you never told us this?" I growled.

"I just wanted to..." 

"Whatever mum, I'm going to my room" I rolled my eyes.

I can't believe mum is on a online dating site and she never told me, well not just me, Harry as well. How does Lauren even know about this? God, stalker much?, she's going to have hell to pay. I tryed to forget about it all and decided to text Grace the address. 

Grace's POV: 

I dropped my bag on the ground when I felt a vibration in my hand. I saw that it was a text message from Ashton. I immediately open the message. 

"24 Richmond Avenue xx"  (A/N: This is a fake address)

Ashton sent me his address so I could go over to his house tomorrow to study. Oh shit, I haven't even told mum and dad, would it be ok for them? I hope it will be. I went downstairs to talk to mum about it.

"Hey mum" I smiled. 

"Hey G, how's my beautiful girl going?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, alright" I shrugged. 

"Anything you want to tell me?" Mum asked.

"Well not specifically" I answered.

"C'mon, you Stromberg's never tell me anything" Mum tried to convince.

"You're a Stromberg too" I argued.

"Yeah but...."

"Haha forget about it" I sighed. 

"So what was it you were going to tell me?" Mum asked.

"Well, you know how I told you about this guy called Ashton?" I said.

"You have a date don't you?" She smirked. 

"Um no I don't" I mumbled.

"You do! I see that little dimple showing up on your face" She smiled.

"Mum! I don't have a date! I'm 16" I confessed

"You can have a date at 16" She acknowledged.

"Mum, could you please shut up and try to listen to what I'm saying?" I requested. 

"Yeah, sorry go on" She said.

" Ok, so Ashton and I have the same lessons, so Ashton thought it would be a good idea..."



"Brad, we'll find the remote later, just calm down for 5 seconds" Mum promised.

"Yeah, whatever" Brad rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying, Ashton thought it would be a good idea to study over at his house so we could concentrate on our school work. Is that ok with you?" I asked. 

"Sure! Have you got Ashton's address?" Mum asked. 

"Oh yeah, it's 24 Richmond Avenue. It takes like 10 or 15 minutes to gets to his house" I answered. 

 "Cool, I'll drop you there at 11:00am" Mum ensured. 

"Thanks mum" I shouted. 

I went back upstairs to my room. I'm actually surprised that mum can accept me to go to a guy's house to study. Whenever she accepts, she cares. I unlocked my phone to text back Ashton. 

"Meeting at your house at 11:00 am, hope you're excited :)"

I locked my phone and layed on my bed for a while. I think I'm living the dream right now.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating as much, I've been sick and haven't had the chance to write, hope you like this part of this chapter :)

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