Chapter 11

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I woke with no arm around me, there was a note on the pillow next to me. 

Good morning, had to go to the studio for you know what I’m guessing bye x

I smiled to myself how sweet. I put it on my dresser and left. 

“Natalie!” I yelled through the house. No response I looked all around the house nobody.

“All by myself!” I sang through the corridor. I put on my slippery kind of socks and started running through corridors. I slid into the kitchen and started making myself breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and a muffin. I ate down and ate. Finishing with what I had I made my way up to my

room for a quick shower. Without music I know. I scrubbed myself clean. I don’t know either to go to Lisa and Joe on my own or what. I’m just not going to go. I hopped out wrapping the towel around me. Well, since nobody is here might has well walk out in my towel. I shrugged wrapping it tighter. I stepped out and BOOM.

“Oh My GOD! AGAIN!” Natalie yelled her eyes. I rolled mine.

“I have on a towel, so calm your panties.” I said and moved to my dresser. I grabbed everything I needed. 

“You know what this is my third time coming in on you coming out of the shower either completely naked with just a towel or some necessities on with the towel.” She finishes off. 

“Well maybe it’s a sign telling you you should knock and that’s what doors are for.” I said and pull on actual clothes. 

“Well anyways aside from coming in on me, when are we going for Lisa and Joe?” I ask putting on some flip flops. 

“Maybe towards the afternoon, they have morning classes.” She says heading out. I follow after.

“It’s smelled good what did you make?” She asks me going down the stairs. 

“I made me some breakfast, oh yeah what did your mom say that you didn’t come back at right day or time. You bad girl.” I tease her, like she’s done bad things but to her mom she’s a goodie goodie. 

“Well she didn’t exactly do anything, I just told her that I forgot and would never do it again.” She said shrugging. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the telly. I flipped to... Spongebob Square Pants! Everybody loves Spongebob Square Pants! A new one probably is on because the theme song is on. Natalie and I sang along with it. I ended up on the floor Natalie sprawled out on the couch. In the next 30 minutes I was on the couch with one arm and leg hanging off the back of the couch.

“Should we go now?” I ask looking at the time. 

“Yeah.” She says getting up we both hop into her car, seeing it as I don’t know. I have a car but don’t use it as much as her. We turn on some music and bob our head to the beat. We pulling up to the dance studio, and we can hear the song that they were doing for their class. We stepped in to Lisa and Joe practicing their dance moves. When they were done me and Natalie clapped for them. They were the reason why we basically became really good at it. 

“Oh long time no see guys!” Lisa said running and giving each of us a hug. Joe walked like he was all cool. 

“Hey guys, thought I’d never see you guy.” He says smiling. He gave  me and Natalie a hug. 

“So what brings you lassies to us?” Joe says bending down to retrieve his towel from his bag. 

“Well me and Melissa found a song yesterday and came up with some dance moves with it, like it’s not perfect but I think we can still manage to fit in some more dance moves, or like keep it as it is.” I ramble on. I was always nervous to show how our dance moves went. 

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