Chapter 6

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Liam’s POV:

I had to tell Zayn we were staying to watch the movie. 

“Hey Zayn, we’re staying here for a couple of hours.” I said as he rolled the windows down. 

“Then what am I supposed to do? Sit here all night?” Zayn asked. I could tell he was not happy about this. 

“No you could come in or you could go see Perrie leaving us here.” I suggested. I climb in and sat in the passenger’s seat. “I’m pretty sure the girls won’t mind dropping us off at the hotel.” I said. He really needs to clean the stuff up with Melissa and him. 

“I’m just going to call her to see if she’s free.” Zayn picked up his phone calling her.

“Hey babe um the boys are doing something I don’t want to do, so I was thinking about hanging out if your not busy.” He said into the phone. I looked at him and he laughed. She must’ve said something about us. Typical. 

“Okay so she is busy I guess I have to come with you.” He says, he looks sad.

When we walked in Melissa wasn’t there she probably in the bathroom. 

“Hey wheres Melissa?” I asked. She walked out and she froze the tension was building really fast. She turned around walking back out Natalie chasing after her. 

Melissa’s POV: 

I saw. He’s in my house. He is within 20 feet away from me. I hate this. I heard rushing feet after me they were too soft to think it is Zayn’s. It’s Natalie’s feet. 

“Melissa wait!” I was running up my stairs by now. 

“No!” I yell back running up the final step. I ran down the hall way opened my room door and slammed it shut and locking it. I know it a fire hazard but so what I can climb out my window I did it plenty of times. 

“Melissa open up now!” She banged on the door. 

“No!” I yelled back plopping down on my bed. 

“I have a t.v. and my own movies and everything I need in here!” I yelled. That is true my gran thought it was a good idea to have a small refrigerator.

“Ugh! Come on Mel you can’t be like this ever time you see him!” She yelled back. 

“Yes I can! Who’s gonna stop me?” I asked and yelled. She was silent, I heard footsteps going down the stairs telling me she was gone. I don’t want to talk to anybody, all I want to do is watch my movie. I got out my DVD cover and flipped through the movies. I found The Breakfast Club and put it in. 

I was watching the movie when my phone vibrated on my dresser. I reached across my little dresser, but I ended up falling off my bed. 

“Oww!” I yelled clutching my side. I don’t know what I fell on but god does that hurt! I heard feet running up the staircase.

“Melissa are you okay?” Liam said from the other side of the door. NO! I’m not okay my freakin side is hurting nothing broke though. I got up and looked down it was my stupid little safe box. I don’t even know how that got there I always had it in my second drawer of my dresser. 

“Melissa?” Harry said, I forgot I had people at the door. 

“Yeah I’m fine just fell on something.” I said sheepishly. I walked to my dresser and grabbed my phone. 


Can’t you come down now? I’m the only girl ):


No I’m watchin The Breakfast Club. So what u have a thing

for Niall I can c it in ur eyes ;)


True True but plzzzzz i’m begging u


No i’m almost finish anyways 


Great then u’ll come down


No, I’m going to order u and me a pizza probably


Good get me a pepperoni 



I ended the text and to get my menus. I ordered from Orlando’s. I when I was down I played the movie again. In 20 minutes I was already down with the movie playing Candy Crush on my phone. The door bell rung I hurried up grabbing my wallet. 

“Don’t touch the door!” I yelled hopping the second to last step running to the door. I saw that Liam was getting up but he went to go sit back down. I opened the door and handed the man my money and gave him a tip in the process. I went to the living not even bothering to give anybody eye contact except for Natalie. 

“Here I’m gonna go up now.” I said stepping over Louis the randomly got there. I took 2 steps at a time when I was at my door I heard yelling. I giggled lightly and opened it up. I took out another movie putting it in the DVD player. I forgot something I know I did. My soda of course! I got up out of my bed. I ran down my stairs like a child on Christmas. That’s how much I love my soda. I got a 3 cans. Some how these cans reminded my of beer, and beer reminded of me partying and partying reminded clubbing! We were supposing to go CLUBBING!

“Natalie!” I screamed. She came rushing with her pizza almost gone I looked at it. 

“Some of the boys ate it.” She said. “Okay what did you need?” 

“Did you forget? We were suppose to go to the club.” I whispered shouted so the boys won’t say  ‘Oh lets go out to the club since you were suppose to.’ 

“And? You wanna go?” She said. No of course I don’t wanna go now. 

“No of course I don’t wanna now.” I said. Well she seriously think I wanna go there now. 

“What movie are you guys watchin?” I asked. 

“Toy Story Liam picked it out.” She said sitting on the counter. 

“I’m watching wait what watching I forgot but I was watching a movie.” I said sitting down on the kitchen chair.

“So have you seen Zayn’s girlfriend?” She asked me. I not jealous at all okay maybe a little bit but not like a lot like I want to kill or something.

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