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Darting through the forest, I hear the howls of the wolves behind me.

Once I near Flint-ford, I jog to one of the houses on the outside. I see they have clothes on the clothes line. I shift back into my human form and put on the clothes because mine are ripped.

I walk towards the diner and realize that Fay is inside talking to a few of her goons. They seem to divert their eyes over to me when I walk in. I send a small wave to Fay as I sit in the same table as before.

She comes over and stands in front of me before speaking, "Can I get you anything?"

"Yes please, just a coffee thank you." I answer sweetly. She nods and leaves to go behind the counter. When she comes back, she places the coffee on my table and gives me a small smile before walking to help some other customers.

A man in a dark t-shirt and blue jeans with the most amazing brown eyes comes and sits across from me, in a deep voice, introduces himself. "Hello, I'm Reuben."

"Hello, my name is Christina. Can I help you with anything?" He looks into my eyes and all I can see is lust, he mustn't know me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come back to my place." He smirks as he says this, giving me a seducing look. I can feel the feline part of me purring, I smile and move my hand to his.

"I would like that." He smiles and takes my hand, leading me out of the diner. I bite my lip as we near a small house.

"Come on in." He says opening the door to the quaint house. I nod and walk into the living room. After closing the door, his lips immediately attach my neck. I slightly bite my lip at the feeling.

He spins me around and his lips instantly attack mine. I close my eyes and listen to Harriet purr at the attention. He grabs my waist, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. With his lips still connected to mine, he walks down the hallway into a room. He lightly placed me down on the bed and attacks my neck again.

Waking up, I feel my body pressed up against a muscular chest. I open my eyes and see the tanned skin of Reuben's chest. I smile up at his cute smiling face but then I realize something, I need to get out of here.

Without waking him up, I slip out of the arm that he has wrapped around my waist. I smile down at his figure as I quietly slip my clothes on.

I feel bad for leaving, so I grab a pen and paper off the desk in his room and write him a quick note that reads
'Hey Reuben, sorry I had to leave in a hurry. I had fun last night and I hope you'll call.
-Christina. (Xxx)-xxx-xxx

I place the note on the pillow next to him and slip out the door.

I head towards the diner and then realize I should just go home. I begin to walk into the forest towards Adams Eve. At this point, if he catches me, I won't care.

Walking through the forest, I feel the eyes of the wolves around me. They are all watching me, trying to find out what I'm doing. I can see their yellow eyes behind the bushes but I pretend not to notice so they think that I can't see them.

I can feel Harriet at he edge, wanting to take over. I push her back, not wanting the wolves to see the icy blue eyes of Harriet.

Walking into Adams Eve, I can tell there are more wolves than usual in town. They are all milling around talking to four people in the centre. I see Fay and Luke among two others.

Fay's eyes meet mine and I see her wave me over. I wave and walk to her.

"Hey Fay" I greet as I stand among the quietly awkward three other people.

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