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When we reached the institute again, they chained me up and stripped me of my clothes, leaving me in my undergarments.

"You have been a naughty girl, haven't you." The man says as he comes into my vision.

I whimper and look away from his green eyes and find myself praying to the moon goddess for mercy.

"Maybe, you should keep your mouth shut about what we do around here." He says snapping his fingers again. Coming into my vision, a man I recognize from the first time I was in here, brings him a needle and thread.

"So, I'm going to shut you up, then connect you to our newest technology to keep you watered and fed, when I want you to be." He says with a snicker as they clamp something to my wrist. I refuse to scream out as pins pierce the skin and a light beep is heard after.

He mutters something to someone else before coming really close to me. Before I know it, his grimy hands hold my face still as the needle pierces through my bottom lip and then up through my top. He loops it back to the bottom lip over and over again as he effectively sews my mouth shut.

Tears stream down my face with the blood and run down my body and onto the floor.

When he is satisfied with his work, he gives the supplies back to someone and looks over my body, walking around to see my backside.

"Now, we can't have you lying about where you come from anymore, you would wish this was an institute." He chuckles before I hear him snap his fingers again. "I want all of your buyers to know, you come from the infamous Black Dragon."

I tried not to thrash as I felt the iron pressed to my back, knowing they are putting it there for anyone who looks to see it. Just above the waistband of my underwear and where they would see it in my training clothes.

"I also want them to know, which pack you were an alpha too, so you can live in your misery." He snickers as I notice him coming up on my left side. Similar to the marks on my leg, he presses one just above my hip. With the name 'BloodHound' and the dates that I was leading it for, the whole eight months.

"Sir, which do you want?" A man asks from behind me, he sounds familiar as well, probably from the first time I was here.

"Injection 5, weapon 2," he says with a chuckle. He leaves my side and grabs things off of a metal platter before I feel the prick of a needle in the back of my neck. It seemingly does nothing as I remember what weapon 2 is.

As the whip is brought down on my body, I feel myself slowly giving out, trying to submit fully. Over and over again, my skin is lacerated at the end of the leather as he just watches in amusement.

"Take her to her cell, we'll drag her back to Anthony in a week, starve her. Maybe this will teach her a lesson to run away and disobey her buyers, " He huffs out when he's done injuring me.

My body falls limp as they effortlessly pick me up and carry me away. I flinch away from the hard surface as they place me on the bed I remember clearly as a slab of rock.

When I hear the click of the door closing, I curl into a ball and await the next week to pass.


It was long, I was starved and refused water as they continued a new method of torture every day. My body is lined with an all new level of scars as they enjoy destroying me.

"Times up." I hear his sickly sweet voice in my head every night, haunting me.

With a click of the door, silver cuffs are placed around my wrists and burn as they practically drag me away from the cell.

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