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Standing across from Freddy, I'm still smirking. I know it's not really him at the moment either, it's actually Dillon.

I see wolves start to form a ring around the field, curious to how this ends.

"So Dillon, Tell me about yourself," I say inquisitively.

"Best warrior in the pack right here sweetheart." He says with a great deal of mischief.

"You seem to forget who you're talking to," I say raising a brow at his attempts to scare me.

I see him growl before he shifts painfully slow into a huge lion.

Beautiful beast might I add.

You should not shift. Harriet says with mischief in her voice as well.

Yeah? You want me to beat an enormous lion with sheer willpower? I sneer.

Fine but if you're going to shift, take the white tiger. She says begrudgingly.

I smirk and shift into the white tiger immediately. Although I haven't been in this one much, I know I can beat him with it. He holds his ground as we circle each other.

In the distant, I can hear more bones shifting and I look to see all my brothers there in their forms as well. I smirk as they begin to circle me.

Prepare to switch between forms. I say without letting her oppose.

I feel her nod and I hiss bearing my teeth at the set of Jaguars. They both hiss as well and come for me at the same time. Dodging their attacks, my body forms into the black sleet feline I've learned to love.

They both look wide-eyed before Jay comes first. He jumps on my back and I immediately jump up and bat his body away into the crowd. Jude looks at me before striking my legs. I hiss and bat him away as well.

Before I can catch my breath, a set of panthers are on my back. Bucking them off, my body molds into the huge white tiger. I whip my head around and hiss at the pair. They jump on my back again and I buck my bag legs out, hitting one of the twins directly in the face, sending him back ways. The other twin comes to me lightning fast and I easily push him into the crowd of amused wolves with my head.

Next, Kieth, still as a leopard comes charging for me. I feel my body shift into a Lioness and I hiss in his direction, causing him to falter slightly. Taking it as my chance, I charge into his side, sending his small body away.

Last two. Harriet says out of breath.

I nod at her as my body becomes a slender jaguar. I see both lions nod to each other before letting out a powerful roar. Smirking to myself, I charge directly at them, swerving at the last minute, letting my powerful legs go in between them and even underneath them.

I stand my ground again while they look around flustered. I can tell which is Freddy and which is Spencer because Freddy is larger in size contrary to their age difference.

I run beneath the two again and push upwards with force, causing Spencer to go flying. I try to do the same for Freddy but I find his jaws coming my way. I got out of there as fast as possible. Standing in front of him again he looks as though he's smirking. I do the same and let the shift take over, turning into my human form.

He looks confused as I walk straight towards him, "Come get me, Lion." I say with fire in my eyes. Growling he does just that, I powerfully but lightly punch his big head away as he tried to snap his jaws at me. Smirking I grab onto his midnight black mane and hop on his back. He tried to buck me off but has no luck. I lean down to his ear and whisper, "Does this mean I win?" He growls and I feel his body shifting beneath me. Before I know it, I'm on the bareback of Freddy, I looked to make sure and he is indeed wearing pants.

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