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The Librarians looked at each other, confused for a moment, before they all remembered what they'd been looking for. Cassandra turned around, spying the mathemagics book she'd been studying. Stone looked around further before spying the marble bust of Hebe he needed to take to the Greek room. Colonel Baird frowned at Jenkins before walking up the stairs to the upper level of the annex, muttering about tactics and new defense positions. Jenkins surveyed all the Librairans, making sure they were all busy, before watching Ezekiel smirk at nothing.

Assuming the young Librarian was thinking about something irrelevant, he turned and walked back to his lab, humming slightly under his breath. Ezekiel looked down, smirking to himself. There was something at the front of his mind, a girl, angry yelling, and a sad kiss. He seemed to remember something that the other Librarians had forgotten. No, not something, someone important. Well, maybe she was more important to him than the others, but he was going to find her.


Hello everyone! This is the second Librarians story I've written! If you haven't yet, please read 'The Knight(ess) of the Round Table' otherwise I'm afraid you'll be quite confused by this story! Thanks everyone for supporting my first Librarians fanfic, I hope you enjoy this next one just as much!

I also wanted to give you guys a heads up on the time frame. You see, the previous fanfic I started after I finished watching Season 2, so obviously it's a little outdated to the show now, though I hope that it was ambiguous about when it all happened. This fanfic starts around a year and a bit later, putting it between Seasons 3 and 4.

Thank you and goodbye for now!

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