To The Greek Section

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"What are we looking for?" Lamia asked as we walked up and down the corridors of books, passing artefacts.

"A very, old, artefact," I answered, crouching close to her, constantly alert just in case the Library decided to change it's mind and set off the alarm. I was looking for the Greek section, but because Jenkins had moved everything around since I'd been here last, I couldn't quite find it. I suddenly started, a strong energy making me turn around, catching a trace of what i was looking for.

"Come on," I said to Lamia, before changing direction. I looked around frantically, speeding up so i wouldn't lose the magical trace. The energy shifted and I knew I had to turn left. "Left," I said to Lamia, and we walked on, following the energy of the artefact. I sniffed the air, feeling refreshed as I smelt deep earth and the smell of rain. "Ugh, what's that smell," Lamia said, holding her nose.

"Underground dirt," I said to her, "from the Land of the Dead," I added as I breathed in again.

"How do you know that?" She asked, still holding her nose, "Because it smells like a funeral?" she asked.

I turned sharply to her, a fiery look in my eyes, "You're point?" I asked, before continuing. There was quiet for a moment before Lamia sighed, "I'm sorry, that must've been rude considering you, well, you're-."

"I like the smell of underground dirt because it reminds me of one of my old friends, not because I've been to more funerals than you have matching black outfits," I snapped a little, but Lamia seemed to understand. We continued down the bookshelves, the scent getting stronger and more complex as we got closer. Now it also had the smell of a metal forge, olive trees and strawberry hair shampoo.

The magical energy suddenly surged through me, making me stop and shiver slightly. We were very close. I looked sideways at Lamia, and knew that we were definitely close. Her hair was standing up and frizzing out with the static in the air. I could've laughed, but I didn't want her to worry about it. I looked to our right and saw a marble bust. Unlike the other ones in the Library we'd seen on the way, this one had been made of black marble, and the cracks in it had been filled up with precious stones. Probably rubies.

"Lamia, I'd like to introduce you to Hades," I said, gesturing to the bust, "Lord of the Underworld, and one of my oldest friends," I smiled. Lamia looked confused, but instead of saying anything to contradict me she just nodded like the soldier she was. I looked at the bust. Somehow I knew that he was the entrance to the Greek section, I just didn't know how to get in. I wished Ezekiel were here, but I knew I'd get distracted by him so I shook his cute face out of my head.

I looked at the bust, concentrating hard. I looked at the base, and found a geometric mark on the back of it's neck. It looked like an arrow, with a large arrow surrounding it. I smiled to myself, something that a hipster would have tattooed on them no doubt. I traced the arrow with my finger, feeling a hot sensation as my finger ran over the arrows. Maybe I had to say something?

"How do we get in?" Lamia asked, sounding impatient. She probably thought i was just flirting with the bust, which made me want to laugh again. "There's a sentence, a statement that opens the door. It had to do with Hades, obviously, because it's his bust guarding the door." I said, watching her think.

"What about something like, 'I pledge myself to the gods, the wise ancient ones'?" Lamia asked, sounding like she was proclaiming it to the bust. She watched expectantly, thinking that the door would burst open and she could gloat to Lancelot that it was she who discovered the artefact. I shook my head though, knowing Hades better than that.

I looked at the bust before grinning. "All the Olympians are stupid and should get over themselves," I said to the bust. A jewel in it's left eye glittered, and I knew that Hades would have been proud of me. The door suddenly revealed itself, making a shuddering sound before opening. Lamia looked, astounded at me. I smiled at her, before looking in to the room, ready to grab the artefact I needed and get out of the Library.

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