Welcome to the Annex, Lamia

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"Where are we going love?" Lamia asked as we sat in the taxi. We'd taken a flight from London to Portland, and caught a taxi to the St. John's Bridge. I rolled my eyes at her, getting a small bottle from my jacket pocket. "Don't bother asking Lamia," i said, waving the bottle in front of her, "As soon as we're finished, I'll give you this and you'll forget," I said. Her eyebrow raised as i slipped the bottle back into my jacket.

"Why tell me that? I'll just refuse." she said, looking confused. I looked at her again, slightly bored because i already knew how this conversation was going to go. "Lamia, you'll drink it, or I'll persuade you to drink it. Now be quiet, we're almost there," I said, looking out the window of the taxi. Lamia was quiet like I said, pondering something. Probably wondering how many times I'd made her drink a forgetfulness draught. To be honest, more times than I would have liked, but I'd had no choice. I couldn't let her know what I'd really been doing for the past year.

"Stop here," I said to the driver, before getting out of the taxi and paying the man. Lamia got out with me, frowning in my direction before looking up at the building we'd pulled up in front of. It was a stone, rectanglular building at the base of the bridge, with large wrought iron doors in the middle. It looked dormant, and I could sense that it was almost empty. The Librarians must have been on a mission. Thank goodness.

"What is this place?" Lamia asked. I'd forgotten that she'd forgotten what this place was.

"This, Lamia," I said, gesturing to the building, "Is the Annex, the present entrance to The Library," I said, standing in front of the doors. I stroked the iron that separated the doors, concentrating hard, willing the Library to open itself for me. I could feel it's reluctance to let me in, but Ezekiel suddenly flew into my mind and I heard the sound of the doors unlocking. I smiled a little, thank goodness the Library couldn't tell anyone what i was going to do.

"Come on Lamia," I demanded, waving to her as I pushed the door open so we could step through. Lamia walked towards me, a surprised look on her face. She was almost about to ask how i'd done it, when I shushed her. "We are here for one, precious artefact Lamia," I said, giving her a stern stare, "Don't. Touch. Anything else."

Lamia gave me a slightly wounded look, like a spoiled child. "Fine, but what if the, grumpy old man catches us? He doesn't go on missions," she asked.

"Just stay close to me," I said, a little impatient, "I know a trick to keep us hidden. Just, don't wander off," I added, remembering why I'd accepted Lamia on this mission, "Remember, you're the one with the sword, I may need you."

"Katana," she muttered to me.

I turned to her, astonished, before stopping myself to nod, "Yep, that. Now come on," I said. I pushed the door wider, stepping into one of the annex corridors. I stopped for a moment, listening keenly. Brilliant. I could hear Jenkins tinkering away in his office, which was far away from where our artefact was kept. Well, i hoped it was. I could sense roughly where it was, an advantage of being a living magical artefact myself, but couldn't pin point it's exact location until i was further in the Library.

What i could definitely sense though, was that Jenkins was completely obsessing over his work at the moment. And that none of the Librarians, or their Guardian, was in the Library at that moment. Brilliant. No Librarians, Jenkins was busy, and the Library let me in. Perfect conditions for stealing.

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