Saving Ezekiel

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"Look, Cassie you need to leave this to me okay?" Stone said, watching Cassandra start smiling as they reached the back door.

"Oh come on, we'll be fine," she said. She was getting excited like her normal self again. Stone set the door at Paris, worrying about what him and Cassandra were going to be interrupting.

"Cassie!" Stone said, making her drop her cheesy grin. "Just, don't embarrass him okay?"

Cassandra tried to wave him off. "How could I embarrass him?"

"What if his girlfriend isn't like us alright?" Stone said, "Opposites attract, maybe she's stupid or boring or - I don't know what Ezekiel likes! My point is, us coming in, treating him like our little brother, it might put someone off."

"Lighten up Jacob," Cassandra said, "I'm sure she'll be lovely."

"Okay," Stone shook his head. He tried hiding his own smile from her. "Just try okay?"

"Come on come on!" Cassandra said, practically throwing herself at the door.

Stone helped her push the door open and followed her out into the Parisian street. Cassandra immediately looped him with her arm, pulling him along. "Where do you think he is?" She asked.

"I don't know, but this is where the door was open last time," Stone said. He was looking around. He wondered briefly whether Ezekiel had disguised himself so they wouldn't recognise him. Like a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses would trick them.

"Wait, is that?" Cassandra pointed to a coffee shop infront of them. They could see someone fidgeting in their chair, arguing with themself about whether or not to use their phone.

"Jones?" Stone said. This wasn't what he and Cassandra were expecting. They both watched him get up and kick the table with his foot, then slump back down in his chair and put his head in his hands.

Stone and Cassandra shared a look before they both started running towards him. Cassandra kept her arm looped with Stone's as she pulled him along. Ezekiel looked up just before they reached his table. He sprang up out of his chair, looking like he'd been electrocuted as he'd messed up his hair in his anger.

"What! What are you doing here?!" Ezekiel said.

"Looking for you," Cassandra frowned.

"Yeah, what happened?" Stone asked, panting a little from running.

Ezekiel frowned at them both. "Nothing, just getting away from everyone yelling at me." He said.

"But!" Cassandra started.

"Im sorry man," Stone said, grabbing Ezekiel's shoulder. Ezekiel's eyes widened. "Baird and Jenkins were getting really serious and-, I had to tell them."

"You what!" Ezekiel yelled.

"It wasn't my idea okay!" Stone yelled back. "I was looking after you, they all thought you'd gone to The Serpent Brotherhood and, y'know, sold us out!"

"Ezekiel, are you alright?" Cassandra asked, looking over him.

"I'm fine, apart from the heartattack of seeing you two here," Ezekiel snapped.

"You're not, fine, Jones!" Stone said, "You're kicking an antique, and you're about to throw your phone away."

"Yeah, well, maybe the table started it," Ezekiel said. "And maybe I don't want my phone anymore! I'll be like Jenkins, I won't use technology if it was created after the year I was born."

"You're overreacting," Cassandra said.

"No. I'm not." Ezekiel said, "My phone has brought me nothing but trouble. If I didn't have technology I wouldn't have stolen stuff, I wouldn't have been recruited to the Library, and I wouldn't have gone on missions, and then I wouldn't have met-,"

"Wait, is this about her?" Stone asked. He forced himself to calm down and sit down infront of Ezekiel. Ezekiel sat down too, exhausted from arguing with everybody.

"You can tell us," Cassandra said, sitting down too. "I mean, this isn't the first time a Librarian's relationship has gone wrong. It's a lonely job-,"

"Look, it's not like that," Ezekiel said. "We're not broken up, just, not talking."

Stone lifted an eyebrow, trying to get Ezekiel to keep talking.

"What happened?" Cassandra asked.

"She -, look, we made a deal not to tell other people about us," Ezekiel said, "The only reason I told Stone was because he already figured it out."

"Yeah, and even then you didn't tell me much," Stone agreed.

"Okay," Cassandra said, subtly rolling her eyes, "Can you tell us that you've been sneaking off just to see her? Promise me you haven't been stealing things."

Ezekiel looked her in the eyes. "Yes."

"Yes you've been stealing things?" She asked, "Or yes you've been seeing her?"

"Bit of both, actually," Ezekiel shrugged.

"Ezekiel," Cassandra sighed.

"Look, I'm a thief, I'm sneaky, but sometimes I'm not the only one who goes to steal something."

"She's a thief too?" Cassandra asked.

"Yeah," Ezekiel said, grinning sadly. "She's a bit like Robin Hood I guess."

"Wait, I thought that was you?" Stone said, elbowing Ezekiel.

"Ha ha," Ezekiel said. "No. She's been, kind of, stealing from The Serpent Brotherhood."

"No way!" Stone and Cassandra said at the same time.

Ezekiel shrugged. He knew he had to lie about the next part, but he was building their trust in Mordred without them knowing. Maybe he could talk about her well enough that the Library would recruit her.

"Yeah, she doesn't really know who she's stealing from, or who I'm stealing for, but she's good."

"Really?" Stone frowned, "She doesn't know about any of this?"

"No," Ezekiel lied. He hadn't had to lie to the Librarians for years, but he was much better than Stone.

"You guys had a fight?" Cassandra asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Ezekiel said, looking down at his phone, "She said we can't keep stealing together if we couldn't trust each other with information."

"Ah! That ole dilemma huh?" Stone smirked.

"Ezekiel, Baird wanted us to bring you back home." Cassandra said, getting up now, "Lets go."

"Okay," Ezekiel said, grabbing her hand. With her other arm Cassandra looped up Stone, and they started walking to the back door together.

"Hey, how did you guys find me anyway?" Ezekiel asked.


"Y'know man," Stone scoffed, "We're Librarians, we followed the clues."

Ezekiel frowned at him, but he didn't want to get into another argument, so he decided to trust them for now. When they walked through the door they Librarians let go of each other to hold their hands over their ears.

"What now!" Ezekiel yelled.

"What is that!" Stone yelled.

"Perimeter alarm?" Baird yelled back.

"Somebody turn it off!" Cassandra yelled.

They all stopped yelling when they saw Jenkins run past them, looking completely uncouth with spilt tea down the front of his shirt. The Librarians all frowned at each other.

"I'll get it!" Jenkins yelled, running out of the annex towards the front door.

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