He's Our Friend....Isn't he?

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"Alright, so here's the plaaa -  Stone, where's Ezekiel?" Baird asked, finding Stone reading a book.

"Oh! Umm, he's doing some research, researching this artefact that was stolen," Stone said, totally unconvincingly.

Baird frowned, "Stone?"

"What?! I'm not his father, he goes where he wants."

Cassandra bounded into the room, noticed Ezekiel wasn't anywhere, and started to panic. "Where would he go? I mean, Ezekiel always complains about us, but he's never disappeared before. Where does Ezekiel feel the safest if not here?" She asked.

Baird tried to think but she couldn't come up with anything. It made perfect sense to Stone though, because he had told Ezekiel to go find his girlfriend and talk to her. Of course that's where the young librarian would be, but where exactly would he go. Cassandra, meanwhile, was still panicking.

"Do you think he would go home? To Australia?" She asked.

"No way, don't you remember his sisters?" Stone said defensively, "He wouldn't go back unless he was in trouble and desperate. He's not running from us, he's just disappeared."

"Right," Baird said, thinking, "So, where else does Ezekiel feel safest?"

"He likes the - the -," Cassandra was stumped.

"The Room of Mysteries," Jenkins said, coming into the room too. He'd cooled off since he yelled at Ezekiel. He couldn't stay mad at any of his Librarians for long anymore. Even Ezekiel. Especially Ezekiel. Jenkins always seemed to see something in the young librarian that was familiar. "Also, the Theatre Room."

"So we should look there first right?" Baird said, looking around at her team.

They were all about to spread out to search for him when Cassandra let out a sniffle. Everyone turned around to look at her.

"Cassie?" Stone asked.

"It's just," Cassandra shook her head at her sentiment, "Do we really know so little about Ezekiel? I mean, we struggled to come up with a single room in the Library that he might be in. Shouldn't....shouldn't we know him better than that by now?"

Baird gave her a sad look. Jenkins fumbled with his waistcoat like he knew more, but he wasn't ready to tell the others yet. Stone saw Cassandra sniffle again and he was pulling her in for a hug before she saw him coming.

"That's not true," Baird said, trying to be confident. Watching her Librarians scared made her feel awful, and watching Cassandra cry always made her want to cry too. "We do know Ezekiel, we know him better than he does. He's brave, and he's sneaky sometime but he's got the biggest heart. We all know he'd sacrifice himself for any of us. Cassandra, you know that he bails out on people so he can come back and be the hero. Maybe that's exactly what he's gone to do."

Jenkins cleared his throat at this. Stone let go of Cassandra and held his arm on her shoulder to look at him. Baird leaned against her desk, wondering what Jenkins could say to ruin her pep talk she'd just given.

"I'm sorry Eve," Jenkins said, "Cassandra, Mr. Stone." He looked at each of them in turn. "But, I might just know where Ezekiel Jones has gone."

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