Sparkly Numbers

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"What?" Stone and Ezekiel asked together, both of them looking worried.

"Well, you could be our plus ones," Baird said, reading Cassandra's mind and smiling too.

"You want us to be dumb accessories?" Ezekiel asked.

"No, no way," Stone said, shaking his head.


Baird and Cassandra walked into the room full of the most powerful women in the world, dressed in glittering dresses they'd found in a cupboard in the first room. Just behind them Ezekiel and Stone tiptoed out, each of them wearing sparkly suits that matched the girls dresses. Stone stood beside Cassandra, blushing the same colour as his peach floral suit, while Ezekiel scowled up at Baird, cringing in his own, emerald green with burgundy accents number.

The two couples split up, Stone and Cassandra making their way to a lounge type area, while Ezekiel and Baird began to walk along the wall, watching the guests. "I can't believe I'm wearing this, it's not even my colour," Ezekiel groaned, hiding beside Baird as he walked, pretty much glued to the wall.

"It's not meant to be for you," Baird said, holding his arm firmly so he didn't run away, "It's a disguise, plus, it's my colour, so it'll be easy to assign you to me if anyone sees you by yourself."

"Fine, but i'm telling you now I will not be your arm candy for this entire mission," Ezekiel groaned. Baird smiled, "Who said I hired you to be arm candy?" she asked, pretending to be in character. Ezekiel looked up at her, horrified. "What?" he whispered, his voice nervous and high. Baird chuckled, she was going to keep him guessing because she found him much more genuine when he was nervous.


"I need a drink," Stone said, about to get up from the lounge when Cassandra pulled him back down beside her.

"You are not going to get out of this one by leaving me here, alone, and getting drunk," she said, her eyes pleading with him not to go anywhere. She'd already noticed some of the women staring at her and Stone, and she didn't want to give any of them the excuse to take him away. "Cassie, we're going to have to talk to people anyway, not just each other," Stone said, annoyed, "that's what this whole dress-up party's all about. To talk to people and find that mermaids' tear." he grumbled, getting up again to get himself a drink.

Cassandra crossed her arms. She was about to say something snobby and loud to embarrass him, but someone interrupted her. "What are you doing here? Are you with that Generals' other boy?" A tall, dark skinned woman asked Stone, making him whirl around quickly. The tall woman raised an eyebrow at him, before she caught sight of Cassandra, "Oh darling! I apologise, is he yours?" she asked, gesturing to Stone.

Stone blushed furiously, before he started to stammer, "I-I'm with Cassi-, uh, Miss Killian, I was just getting her a drink," he smiled, trying to sound posh, which made him sound even more like a cowboy. The tall woman paid no notice to his answer, but kept looking at Cassandra. Cassandra smiled at the woman, "Yes, he's my plus one. I'll just have a ginger beer Jacob," she said, giving him a little smile and a look that went 'Just play along, and come back quickly!'.

Stone huffed, making his way to one of the waiters to get Cassandra a drink. Meanwhile, the tall woman sat down next to Cassandra, watching Stone out the corner of her eye. "He's strange, he seemed to think he was required to speak. Where'd you pick him up?" she asked Cassandra. Cassandra felt embarrassed, knowing that Jacob would've crumbled if he'd heard her.

"He's new actually, a little forgetful too. But he's very smart and creative," she said in his defence, watching as Stone tried to smile at some of the women sitting together, even though they all ignored him. "So tell me, Miss Killian, I've been guessing all day, which of these women do you think have fake earrings?" she asked, leaning back in the lounge and watching the other women chat together. Well, that's a start, Cassandra thought, talking about jewellery will give me a chance to look for the mermaids' tear.

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