The World's Leaders Leaders

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"Wow! The Decagon! I never thought I'd see this place," Ezekiel gasped, clearly excited.

"The Decagon? What's that?" Cassandra mused, looking at the red walls of the room. It was decked out in large, comfortable furniture with golden scroll work, and the lights were all coming from old victorian style lanterns. Before Ezekiel could explain Stone jumped forward, happy that he knew about it too.

"Well, you know about the Pentagon Cassie?" Stone asked, knowing she wasn't stupid, but wanting her to get excited too.

"Yeah," Cassandra said, watching him closely.

"Well, the Decagon is the building, get this, underneath the Pentagon!" he said, stretching his arms wide to show off the room with a grand gesture. Cassandra was still confused though, and turned slightly to Ezekiel, knowing he'd probably explain more. "What does it do?" She asked him.

"Well, the Pentagon looks after the world leaders right?" Ezekiel said. Cassandra nodded, so he continued, "Well, the Decagon looks after the world leaders leaders." He said, heading towards a door at the other end of the room. "Come on," he beckoned towards them all. Stone scampered towards him excitedly, while Baird and Cassandra gave each other a cautious look.

"Come on come one come on!" Stone said, beckoning both the girls over, making Cassandra frown before giving up and smiling. Baird followed her, reaching them just as Ezekiel opened the door dramatically. As the door opened there was a scent of champagne and flowers, and the sound of jazz filled the air. Baird and Cassandra gasped, while Stone grinned.

The room was full of women in either glamorous dresses or tailored suits. There were no men, except for a couple of waiters and one man in a soft blue suit who was sitting in a corner. "The world leaders, wives?" Baird whispered, peering around the room at all the powerful women. Ezekiel shrugged a little, "Wives, partners, some very lucky secretaries," he said, noticing Cassandra scowling a little at Stone.

"So, what are all the these women doing here? I mean, if their husbands are upstairs what do they do downstairs?" Cassandra asked, looking at Ezekiel because Stone was still ignoring her.

"Everything else," Ezekiel said, smiling at Cassandra, "They basically manage the worlds' economy, military, sometimes entertainment, and most importantly talk to each other about how to deal with their husbands." He explained. Cassandra looked back out at all the lavishly dressed woman.

"So, why'd the clippings book send us here?" Baird asked, "They clearly have everything under control, just look at them all." she gestured to the room. She was watching Stone out the corner of her eye, he'd been so excited about this mission, but he hadn't said a word in a while. Ezekiel frowned, looking around the room for something that seemed unusual. He'd been here once before, but that had been before he'd joined the Library, and he had gotten into a lot of trouble then.

"I don't know," Cassandra muttered, "it said something about this ancient jewel, what was it called?" she asked, particularly to Stone, trying to get him to say something. Stone was still looking out the door, and this time Ezekiel hit him in the shoulder. "What?" Stone jumped, scowling at Ezekiel and rubbing his shoulder. Ezekiel gave him a stern look, which made him jump again before he realised he'd been asked a question. Baird realised she'd never seen Ezekiel scold someone before, but his gaze had definitely buried into Stone.

"Oh, it's not a gemstone, more like a petrified mermaids' tear. According to the clippings book mermaid's tears are highly valuable but also very powerful. Apparently one of the woman in here has a mermaids' tear which she's going to use against someone," Stone said. Ezekiel rolled his eyes, making Baird frown. "What's wrong Jones?" she asked, being careful with her tone as she remembered why Stone had been so keen to get Ezekiel on a mission.

"Well, look out at this room, all of these women have to deal with the men upstairs, and some are also in the same room as their husbands mistresses, which they haven't found out about yet. Looking for a woman with a rare jewel with a vendetta against someone here is like, Stone looking for an authentic Vincent Van Gogh in a pile of Vincent Van Goghs'." Ezekiel said.

"Well, we better go in then and do what we do," Baird said, looking at her Librarians, "ask questions, collect information, find the best candidates and get that jewel." she said, ready to step through the door into the room. Ezekiel and Stone stopped her with anxious looks. "What now?" Baird asked, exhausted already.

"Well, the thing is," Stone started, before Ezekiel cut in.

"We're not really invited," Ezekiel said. Baird smiled, confusedly.

"We're never invited, that's where our imaginations come in," she said, looking confusedly between the two boys.

"That's not what we meant," Ezekiel said, "you two are allowed in, you both fit the criteria, but Stone and I, we're not, because we're guys," Ezekiel said, pointing to Stone and himself.

"What about the waiters? They're guys," Cassandra put in. Ezekiel and Stone looked hurt.

"You want us to be waiters? While you two have all the fun?" Stone asked, looking at Ezekiel before they both crossed their arms simultaneously.

"Either that, or.." Cassandra started, before giggling slightly.

"What?" Stone and Ezekiel asked together, both of them looking worried.

"Well, you could be our plus ones," Baird said, reading Cassandra's mind and smiling too.

"You want us to be dumb accessories?" Ezekiel asked.

"No, no way," Stone said, shaking his head.

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