Uh, Morella?

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"Come on Galahad! Tea tea tea!" Morella skipped into Jenkins' lab, bouncing over to the kettle. 

Jenkins grumbled as he followed her. Morella looked up at him with a smile, but it faltered when she saw Jenkins' expression. "What? Aren't you happy to see me?" She smiled. 

"Morella?" Jenkins asked. 

"Yes?" She said, copying his frown perfectly. 

"That's what you're calling yourself?" 

"Jenkins! I'm appalled," Morella said, "It's rude to ask a ladies name when she doesn't want to tell you." Then she smiled. "What was I supposed to say? Hello Galahad's new friends, I'm Mordred, the Prince of Camelot, murderer of King Arthur. Oh, and I'm a woman. Surprise!" 

Jenkins didn't know what to say to her. 

"Exactly, Jenkins," Morella said, "That would be stupid, wouldn't it? So it's easier to give them the name I chose in the 1830's, isn't it?" 

Jenkins took a long moment before sighing. "I guess that is the best way. I did." 

"Thank goodness you'd told them you're Galahad before I got here then." Morella smiled, "That would have been quite a surprise if they didn't." 

"Precisely. Especially when we stopped DuLac from destroying the world." Jenkins muttered. Morella whipped around to face him and he almost wished he hadn't said it. He'd seen her angry before, but if DuLac saw this look he would have melted. Literally, if she still had her powers. 

She looked back to the kettle and poured water into a mug. Jenkins frowned a moment, noticing the mug she had picked was Ezekiel's favourite. Ezekiel had recieved it at Christmas, though Jenkins always wondered whether he had stolen it. It was twice the size as anyone else's and had a gargoyle on the front of it. Jenkins thought for a moment he should tell her to pick another mug, but he was still kind of mad at Ezekiel. 

"So, what's with the team, Jenkins?" Morella asked. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jenkins said. 

Morella smirked over the rim of the tea mug as she drank from it. "You know, the last time you had a 'team' like them." 

"Let's not get into that." Jenkins said, not really annoyed. 

"No, let's get into it," Morella smirked cheekily, "Let's give them the psychology of the doubt, shall we?" 

"I'd rather you didn't," Jenkins sighed. 

"You a bit sentimental," Morella smiled, "don't worry, I won't be too harsh. So, first we have Mr Jacob Stone," she said. 

"A genius," Jenkins said, "While Mr. Stone is regrettablly an American, he is a cultural genius." 

"He's Percival," Morella grinned, "He's the farm boy who goes off to be a knight and discovers the Holy Grail." 

"The first one," Jenkins added. 

"Right, the first one," Morella said, "Percival was one of my favourites," she mused. 

Jenkins raised an eyebrow at her. "Was he?" 

"Yep." she smiled at him, "Then we have Eve Baird-," 

"A former-Colonel, and the best Guardian the Library has ever know," Jenkins said. 

"So, Dame Ragnelle then," Morella said, "Gawain's wife, she was a warrior queen even my father was scared off, but she adopted all of Gawain's illegitimate faerie babies." 

"Gawain had," Jenkins frowned, "faerie babies?" 

"Oh Galahad," Mordred sighed, "I thought I'd told you at some point. Gawain's three sons, remember?" 

"Florence, Lovell, and Gingalain yes," Jenkins said. 

"Only Gingalain was Ragnelle's son. The others had faerie mothers. Ragnelle took them in when they started growing older. You know how the faeries hate that." 

"The fae are the vainest creatures," Jenkins nodded. 

"Mmm, now Cassandra Killian," Mordred said. 

"Cassandra Killian is a bright young woman." Jenkins said, "She is caring and-," 

"Would you stop interrupting me?" Morella snapped, "She is clearly my step-mother." 

"She is not Guinevere," Jenkins said. "She is-,"

"Caring and intelligent, wins the hearts of everyone with her natural innocence and wisdom. She is the light in the tunnel of melancholy, the intellect in a hermit's abstinence, a goddess on Earth to learn of her modesty- PLEASE Galahad, don't give me that lecture. My father lectured me with that for 20 years." 

"You really think Miss Killian is Guinevere?" Jenkins asked. 

"Of course, didn't you hear what I just said?" 

"Of course," Jenkins muttered. 

"Finally, Ezekiel Jones," Morella shivered. She looked up at Jenkins with a raised eyebrow. "Go on then Galahad, tell me what endearing traits he has." 

"No, no why don't you just say what you have to," Jenkins said. "I can't think of any at the moment." 

"Come on, you defended all the others," Morella said, "Name one." 

Jenkins sighed deeply. "He is a contradictory character. Ezekiel is a thief, and a Librarian, and he is my friend. While he can be arrogant, and selfish at times, he has a good heart and he is loyal." Jenkins smiled a bit to himself. 

"He's Sir Bedivere," Morella smiled, "One of Arthur's favourite knights for his humour and friendship, even though he practised illegally sorcery and was almost hanged on numerous occasions." 

"Yes," Jenkins said, smiling at her, "He was, well, one of your favourites too wasn't he?" He asked. 

"I don't know about that," Morella said. 

"He was," Jenkins said, remembering how to make Morella uncomfortable. "Didn't you say you were going to marry him?" 

"No." Morella said, crossing her arms, "I never said that." 

"You did," Jenkins said, "When was it, 1570? 73? We saw him at the theatre. Tall, ginger boy with the freckles and the crooked smile." 

Morella rolled her eyes, "Yes, and the night after I said that, what did I do Galahad?" 

Jenkins' smiled dropped with his eyebrows into a hurt frown. "You disappeared." He said. "Don't tell me it was because of him?" 

"I left because of you!" Morella said, "I only said I'd marry Bedi because you weren't paying attention to me. Then you said, "Go on then, marry whomever you want" and went off to snog Catherine Spinner!" 

"I-," Jenkins' frown got deeper as her words burned onto his mind. "I never knew." 

"You were too busy whinging about Arthur's death to notice." Morella snapped.

Jenkins sighed, "Mordred," he said her real name for the first time, "I'm sorry." 

"Too late," scoffed Morella. "Don't tease me about who I like Galahad, because you'll never win." 

Jenkins stiffened, looking professional again because he knew that begging would help. "How else can I make it up to you?" he asked. 

"Let me work with your team for a bit," she said after a moment, "I want some company, and your Librarians are the only ones smart enough to handle me." 

"Fair enough," Jenkins said, not arguing because it was true. "Lets go back out and help them with the mission they've been working on." 

"What mission?" Morella asked, "Are you sure they'll need me?" 

"Need you or not," Jenkins said, "You'll want to help them with this one." 

They walked together back into the annex just in time to hear Baird say, "You have a good point Ezekiel. But I do think we should get a plan together to get this artefact back from DuLac."

"DuLac?" Morella walked in with Jenkins and tea, "What do you want with that pig?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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