Prologue: Him.

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open. She was sitting down what seemed to look like a black rotten chair filled with molds, slowly eating and decomposing the chair one by one. (Y/N) quickly stood up in disgust and brushed her skirt off, desperately trying to clean herself. (Y/N)'s focus quickly darted to her surroundings. She looked around at the old room. An old musty smell of cheese wafted throughout the room, while she looked to her left, the windows were boarded up with what seems to be like red barbed wire? (Y/N) questioned herself the tenth time exactly why she was here. Using her natural instincts, the Ultimate Social Butterfly tried looking in the desks up ahead. But all she found was nothing but air. As she looked into the final desk she hadn't searched yet, she found a note. More like a drawing though.

It showed a drawing of a half white and half black bear, the quality of this drawing seemed like it was drawn by someone who was very young. A caption was written on the paper, calling the bear a jerk. She shook her head and rubbed her temples, trying to remember who she was. She was (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Social Butterfly. (Y/N) was always open hearted, not afraid to reveal anyone her secrets. She had a shy side, which barely came out to new people she met. But something new caught (Y/N)'s attention. A flatscreen T.V, how did she not notice this before? She walked up to the television and tapped it with her finger, it didn't turn on. So she tried searching for a remote, but once again, like her last search found nothing.

"RISE AND SHINE URSINE!" Multiple figures called out. (Y/N) jumped up in surprise and fell flat on the floor. It appears that her skirt flown up, and she hadn't fixed it up yet. A figure appeared behind her, a blue bear with some hairy chest hair saw something he shouldn't have seen.

"WHOA! W-WHAT THE HEL-" The Blue Bear yelled out till he passed out due to blood loss. (Y/N) screamed and slapped the Bear, he blushed and murmured something till he passed out again. The pink bear sticked out her abnormally long tongue and groaned in disgust. "I HATE BLOODY STUFF! GET THE BLOOD AWAY!" She yelled as she covered her beady black eyes with her paws. The red bear tried slapping the blue one awake, desperately yelling and yelling. The yellow one just stood there and murmured about how stupid his siblings were and constantly pushed up his glasses. While the green one just stared at (Y/N), she shuddered and stood up.

"W-Who are you b-bears?! Or stuffed animals?!" She was too confused. Millions of questions swam through her mind, but knew that all of them couldn't be answered. Suddenly out of utter surprise, the blue one woke up, with a stream of blood still dripping from his nose, he smiled greatly. They all formed a line and started doing weird poses. (Y/N) stared at them. Dumbfounded was the only thing she felt right now. Just dumbfounded. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO WE ARE? FOR WE ARE THE MONOKUBS!" They yelled in unison. They introduced themselves one by one. The red one was Monotaro, the somewhat leader of the Monokubs. The blue one was Monokid, the punky rocker. The yellow one was Monosuke, the brains, or probably the only one who has a brain in his opinion. The pink one was Monophanie, the feminine one out of them. And there's the green one, Monodam. Silent Monodam. (Y/N) kind of felt sorry for Monodam, he was always bullied by Monokid.

"Now that you know us, we suggest you get to know the others!" Monotaro yelled, (Y/N) rubbed her ears. She felt like her eardrums broke because of the Monokubs high pitch in their voices. But who were the others?

"Um, who are the others?" She asked. The Monokubs bursted out laughing, probably laughing at (Y/N)'s stupidity.

"The other Ultimate Students like you! They're in different rooms, and we suggest you get to know them!" Monosuke said while snorting, trying to prove his upper class. (Y/N) scratched her head. "When you are done introducing yourself to others, get going to the gym!" Monotaro announced. "Hey Monokid, what did you do with the Exisals?" Monosuke asked. "AAAH! I LEFT THEM ON AUTOPILOT! AND I MISPLACED THE REMOTE!" Monokid screamed as his abnormally long tongue hung out of his mouth. The bears started quarreling and then Monotaro remembered (Y/N) was still in the room. "Um hey, if you see a giant robot lurking around the hallways, we all suggest you run away in fear and find a room that you can hide in." Monotaro explained quite nervously, he was trembling far too much. The bears broke up their huddle/quarrel and stood in a line again. "So long! Bear well!" They yelled as they disappeared.

"But I still have so many questions." (Y/N) mumbled. She opened the door slowly, and saw a red dot, searching for any signs of life. (Y/N) held her breath and slowly crept throughout the walls filled with vines. The dot started moving slowly to the right, where she was. If she kept on creeping up, the Exisal would find her in moments and kill her on the spot. So her only chance was for her to sprint her way to a class. She saw a door, Class 1-A, her only chance of hiding. She sprang and ran with all of her will. The Exisal whirred, its red dot aiming at (Y/N)'s back. She stumbled and fell to the ground, scraping her knee. A pink smear appeared on the floor while the Exisal slowly moved after her. (Y/N) grabbed the doorknob and slipped inside. She quickly shut the door and found two figures quarreling.

The first figure on the left, a robot, with shiny metal covering him. (Y/N) expected the robot to sound more, uhm, robotic. But he actually sounded just like a human boy. Then another figure caught her attention. A short high-schooler, with checkered clothing, was insulting the robot and was asking about his private parts. This seemed quite childish, and (Y/N) stepped in to stop it.

"Hey! You two! Stop fighting! There's literally robots and talking bears out there! There's much more to worry about than fight about genitals!" (Y/N) yelled as she walked in and pushed the two from each other. The checkered boy pouted and crossed his arms angry, while the robot glared at him. "Aw mannnn... You're so boring random person I met!" The purplish haired boy whined. (Y/N) scratched her head, she didn't want to make such a bad introduction. So she changed the subject. "So... These random five bears I met want me to introduce myself to other people." She said. "So, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)! And I'm the Ultimate Social Butterfly!" (Y/N) said. The robot introduced himself as K1-B0, but urged (Y/N) to call him Kiibo, and he was the Ultimate Robot. And the shorty, was called Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader. (Y/N) had asked Kokichi which organization he commands. But he responded by saying I'm a liar!

"Um hey, do any of you want to introduce ourselves to other people?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah sure, I don't want to be left by Robot-ist here." Kokichi smiled. "STOP BEING SO ROBOPHOBIC!" Kiibo yelled, he blushed in embarrassment while Kokichi responded with a Nee-heehee! (Y/N) opened the door slowly, being almost as cautious as before. She peeked out and took a look at her surroundings. Kokichi laughed and pushed (Y/N) out of the door. She squealed and fell face flat on the floor, while Kokichi covered his mouth while giggling quietly. "Stop being so childish! Act your age!" (Y/N) yelled. Kokichi hushed her by placing his finger on her mouth. "Do you want to get caught by a robot? Nee-heehee!" Kokichi asked. (Y/N) shook her head. They explored the school premises and introduced themselves to the others. Kokichi kept on insulting Miu and Kaito though. Miu responded by throwing curses at him, while Kaito did almost the same thing, but punched him in the face. And surprisingly, they didn't find any Exisals shooting anything.

After they had introduced theirselves to everyone, they took the Monokubs advice and met in the gym. The other sixteen students were there too, waiting for the appearance of the Monokubs. But surprisingly, the bear, from the drawing that (Y/N) found before, appeared!

"HELLO THERE FELLOW STUDENTS! You all are going to be participating in a Killing game, with me, Monokuma, the fellow father of the Monokubs, hosting it!" The high pitched bear squealed. (Y/N) thought he sounded like as if Mickey Mouse inhaled helium. With a mixture of surprised and a smile from Kokichi, Monokuma went on explaining the rules. While he was doing that, (Y/N) asked why Kokichi seemed excited for this.

"Well, y'know (Y/N), you need something bleeding in life! And I'm finally going to have something fun for once! If you don't want fun, then you're a waste of life!" Kokichi laughed. As Monokuma finished his speech, they went on to find any exit of some sort. They had went through the death road of despair, and failed miserably. The Night Time bell had alarmed, and everyone groaned and went back to their rooms. As (Y/N) entered her (color of wall) dorm, she lied on her bed and sighed. She winced every time she touched her elbow. But she liked Kokichi. He was funny, and (Y/N) liked his antics. She hoped that she and Kokichi would become friends someday. And escape this miserable school.

Hey guys! SilverStorm here! This is my first book so please don't judge if I got The Danganronpa history wrong. ;-;, I'm terrible. So uh, yes I inserted some freaking anime cliche here. This is actually going to have a storyline and not just a collection of One-Shots. They're gonna have some shenanigans and adventures together,and drama at some time. Hope you like it! And gosh darn is this prologue long.

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