Chapter 4: Let's Have a Tea-Party!

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(The Usual. I dunno why I picked this Scenario. ⚠️Oh and uh Strong Language Warning.⚠️)

(Y/N) sat on her bed and daydreamed about Kokichi. She couldn't help herself, and would honestly think he's cute. She liked it when he laughed, it sounded funny and it would make her giggle. Although, she felt hollow inside when he doesn't notice her. She wanted to use up all her time with Kokichi, but she's actually concerned about something. Herself. Lately, all that she has been thinking about was the little liar. She doesn't want to get to obsessed about him, and actually start thinking about other things.

Will she kill? Will she survive? Can she backstab a friend?

She would ask these to keep her from thinking about Ouma. (Y/N) also tried talking to the other students in the school. But they either end up having an awkward conversation, or they'd just turn her away. Miu's encounter was probably the most violent. She kept on spewing curses and insults towards (Y/N) usually calling her stupid since she can't even invent anything. Well it surely isn't (Y/N)'s fault that she can't invent something huh? (Y/N) actually snapped that back to Miu, then the results were a little bit unexpected. Miu chased her around the school trying to swat her away, and  after the chase lasted for about ten minutes, (Y/N) ran to her dorm and shut the door. Miu still stood out there throwing insults and curses at her for about an hour. She than left after a while. Night-time has just started, and it was such a
boring day for (Y/N).

As she slowly closed her eyes, she drifted off into sleep. Until the door bursted open with Kokichi holding his Panta bottle.

"WHAT THE SHITHOLE?!" (Y/N) yelped, due to stress, (Y/N)'s actually been cursing a whole lot more lately. "Geez
(Y/N)-chan! Do you not like hanging out with me?" Kokichi whimpered looking down at the floor in shame. "I've had a whole night planned out for the four of us y'know..." He sniffled. (Y/N) quickly ran over to Kokichi and tried consoling him. "O-Ouma! I was waiting for us to have an adventure all day!" (Y/N) says. But Kokichi smiled. "Nee-heehee! It's ok (Y/N)! Those were just some alligator tears y'know!" Kokichi smiles. (Y/N) groaned, she was tired of seeing Kokichi not expressing his true emotions. "Wait, are there more people coming?" (Y/N) asked frantically.

"Yeah! You got any problem with that (Y/N)-chan?" Kokichi asks. (Y/N) shook her head, she just wanted it to be her and Ouma, But honestly didn't mind of other guests. After a few minutes, two figures came rushing in. Rantaro Amami was holding heavy tea bags, and was getting a little bit encumbered there. He was slowly tilting to the side, but no one else came to help him. And Shuichi was holding a red kettle filled with fresh, boiling, water.

"We got the things for your party Kokichi." Saihara said flatly. Rantaro started tipping aside a little bit more to the left, he looked a bit more askew. Rantaro grunted and set down the tea bags harshly on the floor. "Geez, what do you have in here Ouma?" Rantaro asks, panting heavily. "What you actually expect in a tea bag! Tea you idiot!" Kokichi snickers. Rantaro shakes his head and turns away from Ouma scoffing. (Y/N) stood in disbelief and groaned.

"Are we gonna have a tea party Kokichi?" (Y/N) asks. Kokichi nodded quickly, with his hair being tossed up into the air, and hastily falling back down. (Y/N) put on a fake smile. She won't exactly hate this, she might have an opportunity to know Kokichi better. She took a huge gulp and smiled. Kokichi grabbed the kettle and poured in some tea. It was very unlikely of him to actually drink tea, because he was a hardcore soda drinker. Soda all day, soda all night, soda everyday when the sun is bright! He would sometimes recite that mantra to himself, and (Y/N) thought that it was a cool poem.

Kokichi put in the tea bags in the teacup and they sat and waited for a few minutes. It was awkward, but the tea was finally ready. (Y/N) grabbed two teacups, one for Rantaro, and the other one for Shuichi. She gave the cups to them, and they both slipped on it. But when (Y/N) served it, it smelled funny. Something was wrong with it, but she ignored her gut feeling. (Y/N) walked over to get two more teacups, one for herself, and another for Kokichi. But as she walked over, she accidentally tripped over Rantaro's foot, as it was sticking out.

"KYAAAAAA!!!" She squealed, the hot tea spilled all over Kokichi, most of it landing in his mouth. Kokichi sat there, drenched in the tea, his eye twitched. He stood up calmly, and let out his blood curdling scream. "GAHHHH!" Water dripped from his scarf and clothes, green stains started spreading throughout the (Color of Floor) floor, giving it a green taint. Kokichi started at (Y/N) deadpanned, and then flashed her a grin.

"Nee-heehee! I guess my plan backfired!" Kokichi laughed while he hiccuped in the process. He started to slump on the floor and expand through the carpet. Drool somehow found his way out of his mouth, and dripped onto his clothes, giving it a darker tint on his clothes. "Gehehe!" Kokichi mumbled. "I spiked the tea-" Hiccup "With hard beer!" Kokichi laughed. "I-I made Saihara-" Hiccup "Boil alcohol! And Rantaro actually carried tea!" Kokichi drunkly laughed as he slapped his knees. Kokichi's mischievous antics were slowly unraveling as he explained what his plan was. He replaced water with alcohol, and wanted the three of us to do his pranks since we were gonna be drunk. 

But it backfired since most of his alcohol got into his mouth, affecting his right away. Kokichi started laughing uncontrollably as Rantaro was fuming. "YOU DAMNED SERVANTS SHOULD BOW DOWN TO ME!" Avocado boy boomed, he quickly hopped onto Shuichi, tears streaming down his face, into his spiked drink.

"Stop yelling Rantaro-kun!" He whimpered, trotting around the dorm like a horse, while Rantaro mercilessly spanked his exactly four times on his butt and sang a weird song. "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I wanna get my boom!" Rantaro yelled, he was obviously tone deaf since he didn't get the rhythm and melody right. (Y/N) quickly tried to break up Raging Rantaro and Sober Shuichi, But just ended up getting slapped on the back by Rantaro.

"Nee-heehee! Y-You're not the Leader! I am idiot!" Kokichi hiccuped while trying to insult Rantaro. They ended up forming a fight cloud, with (Y/N) getting sucked into it. As she walked out of the fight, her clothes were in tatters and she had bruises everywhere. She laid down on her bed, and spent the rest of the night spending time with the drunk boys.

*The Next Morning*

"W-Why does my butt have cramps?!" Shuichi moaned waking up from his drunken state. "And why do my arms feel really tired?" Rantaro asked himself. (Y/N) slowly awoke and found Kokichi snuggling next to her, drooling on her clothes. "Gah!" She tried swatting him away, but let him be passive. Rantaro and Shuichi left the dorm, unaware of what happened last night. (Y/N) held her hands around Kokichi. He was finally hers.

Now I'm actually getting worried this is becoming a Yandere Story. So uh yeah. Chapter is finished.

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