Chapter 14: A True Killing Game

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Those cold, dead eyes. The pink stain covering the right side of her body. It was all so horrifying.

I don't get how everyone can act so calm, when we're literally standing in qualm waters right now. A killer, or blackened is among us, and is waiting to strike. We need to expose the killer, but how exactly are we going to do that without specific or any kind of evidence? All we could find, was a blood strip all over the floor, and a bloodied ladder. It can be possible that the killer stabbed Miu somewhere else, dragged her body, then hoisted the body up on the hanging wires.

This, seemed too strange. The murder seemed almost too unplanned, and not much evidence that there was someone who killed Miu. The way it seemed planned, it seemed like a murder scenario from a cliche detective show. No offense Saihara. In the others point of view, someone else killed Miu. But I think she was killed by someone within our range of suspects, but rather, something.

Aw man. Ignore my damned, stupid thinking right there. Just some dumb thinking of mine, ugh... I feel woozy just staring at the body. To be more accurate, anything or anyone. Everyone just seems to be on edge today. Tsumugi isn't as bubbly as usual, but more like a cooped up Literature girl. Himiko isn't taking part of any of our concerning discussions, Shuichi is being his usual emo self, and apparently just avoiding people. Maki is acting like her brooding person that she is nearly all the time, and Kaito seems more active.

We all agreed to keep watch for anyone suspicious, so we decided to have a class meet up today. But for now, maybe I can go to my room and start venting my anger and sadness on some random and unfortunate thing in there. I storm to my room, ignoring everyone walking past me, while Kokichi looks behind his back, his purple eyes nearly burning into my clothes.

I grab the door and slam it shut, the little collectibles of Monokuma's rumbling in their place. I groaned and jumped on my bed, my muscles giving in to rest. But I can't sleep, I need to meet up with everyone. I 'groan' again and turn over, looking up to my dull and lifeless ceiling.

I slowly drift off to sleep, until Kokichi bursts in the room and drags me out of my bed. I start making sound with my mouth, struggling to get off his grasp, but this time, he seems stronger.

"Hey there (Y/N)-San! Nishishi~ You look so cute when you struggle! It makes you look like a deer in the headlights!" I give Kokichi a deadpanned look, noticing I'm not amused, Kokichi roughly sets me down on the hard floor. Jesus Christ. What the damn hell? I rub my back and shoot him another angry glare. Kokichi puts his hands up and giggles, I roll my eyes at him, and we go to the dining hall.

As usual, we talk about how to prevent more further deaths, blah blah blah, boring shit I don't wanna hear. I look out to the side of the window once again, seeing the exisals tend to the grass. But then, things start getting interesting. I overhear that they found another piece of evidence, some piece of pink cloth.

And a galaxy gazing right behind it.

My eyes widen at the piece of new evidence, could it be? Could Kaito have done it? Although we don't have as much evidence how the murder was committed, this seemingly small piece of cloth is a big game changer. With this, all this points to Kaito's blackened hands.

"Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, did you kill Miu Iruma?" Shuichi asks Kaito, pointing his right hand at Kaito's sweating face.

"W-What?! I-I d-didn't do it! That cloth may have the same fabric as my jacket, but I didn't like get cut by something there!" Kaito stutters, trying to object Shuichi's former statement. Kaito clenches his fists, and his knuckles go pale white. "I would never do it! Would I lie to you guys?!" He roars.

"Didn't everyone who got executed say that?" Kokichi pipes up, with a blank and monotone voice laced in his words. "Y'know, ever since Kaede? You're just becoming another pawn for the mastermind Kaito, you're just another part of their stupid lie." He says, rubbing his fingers together.

Kaito starts breathing more shallowly, and I can hear his teeth grinding against each other, as everyone started glaring at him. Maki had a poignant face latched on her face, she's probably regretting choosing Kaito as the culprit of Iruma's death.

"I WON'T BE PART OF ANYONES PLAN BUT MY OWN! MY PLAN IS TO REACH FOR THE STARS! THAT IS SINCE I AM KAITO MOMOTA, LUMINARY OF THE STARS! R-Right? I am? I can reach for the stars... I can achieve my total dream." He says, his shouting fading into senseless mumbling. He starts pounding the tiles, giving them little cracks in there, enough for small weeds to seep through and start growing.

"K-Kaito..." Maki mumbles, I can already see tears escaping from her eyes, and flowing down her cheeks. Then, Kaito has a smiling face on with tears down his face.

"I-I can escape this game for you Maki Roll... I'll do it for you! I will live on! I'll take on my grandparents legacy! They wanted me to live on! And I will do it!" He yells. He hugs Maki, a blush creeps on her face, and Kaito sprints down the hallway. He runs and runs, not stopping, just like Kirumi.

"I WILL LIVE ON!" His words echo, and they fade away into the dark. Just like that.

No One's P.O.V.

Kaito slowed down from running, trying to get as far away as possible, he stopped by the entrance to the Death Road of Despair. He was sure no one would find him here, so that was alright. He clenched his churning stomach and sighed. He lied down at the muddy and dirty path, he was sure no one would find him here, but his luck ran out.

Tsumugi Shirogane stood at the front entrance, smiling insanely.

"Hello there, Kaito Momota." She says, her eyes giving off an evil and insane vibe. Kaito's eyes widen, as he looks at the knife Tsumugi was carrying. It almost looked like a sickle, but the knife was more curved.

"W-What the hell Shirogane?!" Kaito yells, taking a swing at Tsumugi, but she evades it swiftly, and flips Kaito over. She almost has super human strength, she's strong enough to flip him over. Kaito hacks violently and grabs Shirogane by the neck and squeezes it.

"Are you the attacker?!" Kaito yells, tightening the pressure on her neck. But Tsumugi still had the nerve to smile. The nerve to stand up against him.

"No, unfortunately I'm not. But, I know who the attacker is, I may tell you if you exchange me for my mere freedom." Tsumugi says almost formally. Kaito hesitates, and the grip starts losing pressure. "Maybe you can even save your precious Maki Roll." She says, charming Kaito into letting her go.

Kaito finally gives in, shoving Shirogane to the ground. Her glasses clatter onto the hard ground, but she picks it up right away. "I must admit, that pain felt exquisite." She spits out.

"You bitch! You enjoyed that didn't you?!" He yells, getting ready to strike again.

"Oops, Kaito, we had a deal remember?" She laughs, Kaito glared at her. "Just tell me who the fucking attacker is damn it!"

"As you say." Tsumugi says, she leans into Kaito's ear and whispers inside there. His eyes widen, and then, pink spreads on his heart. Nothing but pink. Kaito coughs out blood from the knife that had been plunged in by Tsumugi.

"Wow, you really are an idiot aren't you? You already forgot I had a knife didn't you?" Tsumugi says, laughing. Kaito rolled over in pain, and just like that he never moved again.

"Now, let the true Killing game begin again." Tsumugi says and chucks the knife out to one of the traps in the road.

"Because everything in here is mere fiction."

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