Chapter 16: End

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Sorry for that long ass wait guys, I decided to be more active on FrameCast

Sorry s

As Kokichi held the curved knife in his hand, all he could feel inside him swirling was despair.

Despair. The complete loss and absence of hope. That was all he could feel. Inky blackness.

As he was about to plunge the cursed knife in his heart, it was slapped out of his cold hands. The cold metal clattered on the colored floor, making a small sound that followed after it. He was suddenly jabbed straight in the face, losing his balance, he fell backwards on the floor. He screamed and started clawing towards the floor, desperate to reach the knife. His eyes were nearly bulging out of his face, and kept on clawing at the person who was holding him.

He looked back at the face who was keeping him back, and his eyes widened even more.

(Y/N) (L/N). The Ultimate Social Butterfly.

She grunted and kicked Kokichi in the stomach. Kokichi groaned and fell back again, while (Y/N) sprung on him and jabbed him again. Kokichi hacked violently, spitting out hot pink blood that stained his scarf. (Y/N) locked his left arm, cupping her hands around his struggling arm, as he reached out for the knife that was not so far away.

"Just let me do it!" He yelled. (Y/N) quickly ran after the knife as Kokichi yelled and scratched her on the face. (Y/N) yelped a little bit, but she had the knife in her hands now. She quickly shoved the window open and hurled the knife out the window, making another echoing clatter.

Kokichi whimpered and looked out the window, looking down at the knife in rage. The swirling pattern of black and white faded from his eyes, and he fell to the ground on his knees. A single tear dripping down from his left cheek, then landing on his white clothes, making a darker hue.

"What did I do? What have I done?" He asked to himself as (Y/N) looked from the side with her grazed cheek. She knew she couldn't speak, but more than anything, she just wanted to comfort Kokichi... she quickly shuffled to the back of the room, grabbed her paper and pen and started writing violently on there.

"It's okay." She wrote on there, a sly and small grin creeping on her face. Kokichi smiled back, his eyes still bloodshot and his cheeks still damp.

"Nishishi~ I guess you could say I'm a little better now... Oh wait! I forgot you couldn't talk!" He teased her. (Y/N)'s face hardened and she punched Kokichi on the arm.

'I save your damn life and this is how you repay me? You fucking make fun of me cause of my damn forbidden action?' She shows him while her face is still in an unamused mold.

"Sorry, sorry!" He mumbles looking off to the side. (Y/N) flashed him another playful smile, and Kokichi couldn't help but give in.

"Anyways, if I woke up while everyone is asleep, then technically I'm the attacker... But, Miu was killed with the same knife I had.. Which means... Everyone here is the attacker. And it gets triggered by a person who's nearest to these T.V. monitors." Kokichi explains, trying to jog his memory. (Y/N) nodded in agreement.

"Ever since Kaito went missing, it's possible that he's a victim too." He adds on.

So the score is settled now. The mystery of Bloody Carnage has been figured out. The attacker is technically the people who have died within the time limits. But for now, our heroes have decided to take a small rest for now. Let's see you next time, on Dragon Ball- Woops! Wrong fandom. Back to the real Killing game.

-Next Morning-

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! We're gonna have a 6th Trial!" Kokichi nearly screeched jumping up and down on the poor girl's stomach. She groaned immensely and rolled off the bed, making a small thump. Kokichi happily dragged the drowsy girl down the stairs of their dorms, and right off to the class trial meet-up place. Until, Kokichi raised his voice and cleared his throat.

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