Chapter 13: Any Resolves or Prayers?

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I've been listening to Candy Store from Heathers way too much I have a crippling addiction to it

We looked at Gonta's dead body in despair. A few moments ago, he was alive, but now, he's just like another lifeless corpse like the rest. An empty husk. Kaito stood there in disbelief, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean for this to happen, but he should've been more careful.

Kokichi's eyes narrowed to slits and he glared at Kaito, giving a menacing look on his face. "Reducing deaths my ass now." He spat out at Momota.

"I-I s-swear! I-I didn't mean to!" Kaito stammered, already begging for forgiveness. Kokichi growled and shoved Kaito to the cafeteria table. His back slammed onto the rough surface of the table, he grunted a little bit but stayed there. "If you're gonna keep acting like this, we're all gonna end up dead in no time. Understand?" Kokichi threatens space man. Kaito nodded in fear, and Kokichi pushed him again, harder.

Shuichi and Maki quickly ran up to him and held him back. How exactly can we prevent more deaths if we're gonna start losing people rapidly? Miu shook her head in disgust and glared at Kaito. (I'm sorry Kaito is getting all the hate here. >:( )

"I say we lock up this bimbo in his dorm! Maybe the man won't kill anyone there!" Miu yelled making an unreasonable suggestion. Himiko rolled her eyes at Miu's sudden outburst. "Nyeh... If we do that, he'll only have more motives to try and escape his room. Y'know." Himiko said making a valid quote.

"I'm standing right here you bitchlet!" Kaito roared from across the other side of the room. Kiibo nervously looked at Kaito, somehow sweat, (or should I say oil?) was dripping from the side of his head. Kiibo is probably concerned about Kaito, and I can't blame him. We're all concerned right now. Gonta just died. The Killing game has become more dangerous. And worst of all, I'm not even sure if we can survive this type of event.

We didn't exactly bother to check Gonta's body since it's kinda useless since he's dead. The thing that was pretty eery though about this, was more monitors were installed everywhere. They seemed to surround the whole encased school. Everywhere you looked they were everywhere, red screens with Monokuma's eye on there. After discussing these topics we departed and went to do our own thing.

Of course, me and Kokichi went back to our dorms.

"(Y/N)-chan?" Kokichi calls me out. I turn over to him and grin a little. Although I can't speak to him, I can write him out a little message. I quickly grabbed out my crumpled line paper and pen and scribble on there. 'Yes?' Is what I wrote on there.

"Do you promise me that we'll make it out of this game?" He asks, cocking his head to the side like a curious dog. 'If we set our minds to it, we definitely can!' I write on there. Kokichi smiles at me, and I smile back. Then, our bangles started ringing nonstop. After a while, a good night tune started playing from the audio on there. Kokichi yawned and we fall collapse down to the floor hard. The last thing I can catch is our bangles flashing red. I'll keep praying.

I'll pray we'll get out of here safe. Then it faded to black.

My eyes miraculously flutter open, tears of joy prick at my eyes, threatening to escape. Kokichi was still sleeping, but after a while, he started to stir. We yawned and sat up from the hard tiles. Suddenly, feedback from a microphone rang in our ears. We cover our ears, our eardrums still thumping loudly from the sudden noise.

"Helllllloooooo there fellow participants in our new Killing game!" Monokuma nearly screeches into the microphone, constantly fumbling with the audio problems. I wonder what kind of crappy announcement he's gonna make this time. "While you guys were apparently taking a little nap, something happened to one of your dear classmates! Better go find them before something bad happens to them! Upupupupupu~" Monokuma quipped before shutting down the screen.

"Nishishi~ This got interesting fast! Maybe we can find something terrifying (Y/N)!" Kokichi said staring at me straight into my (e/c) pupils. I nod slightly, not sure if this is a good situation or bad situation. We run outside the hallway and start searching the school. We searched everywhere, including the Ultimate's Labs. After what seemed to be like hours, our search comes to an abrupt pause. We searched everywhere but Miu's room.

"Maybe we can start again by looking in there! Who knows? We'll probably find some freaky body or something! But, just before we do, do you have any resolves or prayers?" Kokichi asks me, giving me another eye boring stare. 'My prayers is that I hope we don't find any bodies. That's the least thing that I want to happen right now.' I write on my sheet of paper. Kokichi nods his head slightly, his short hair bouncing up and down when he does that. We open Miu's research lab, and it eerily creaked open.

And what greeted us was a horrible sight.

Blood dripped from the ceiling. Echoing in the room the drops did, we slowly turn our heads up, and there she was. Miu's body, caught in some wires, with a knife plunged directly into her heart. My eyes widened, fear crawling onto my face like a cat. I couldn't help myself, but to scream.

The bangle said I couldn't talk, and technically, screaming isn't talking.

I drop to my knees, my (type of pants) getting soaked into the blood. Rumbling sounds from the hallway started reaching us. Then in stumbled the survivors. They all nearly had the same reaction as me, but not as loud as my screech. Maki sighed, crossing her arms and looking off to the side. Kaito and Shuichi got onto each other and made a ladder, together they pulled down Iruma's body, and it fell down lifeless.

Shuichi and Maki quickly got into the investigation, while the others sort of helped by providing some evidence. But mainly Kokichi and I tried observing the body.

"The victim died from a single stab to the heart. She possibly died near 11:00 to 1:00, which is the time where we fell asleep." Shuichi quietly states. After a little while, we started investigating the entire room. We found a bloodied ladder near the corner of the room, which must've been used to hoist Iruma's body up to the wires. But I went in here once before, and the thing is, I never seen the wires there before. Maybe the culprit installed it there or something like that.

But for now, time will tick.

This video is god

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