Chapter 12: A Brief Intermission

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Still (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Apparently, Monotaro and Monophanie were still fighting over who gets the attention on the monitor. After a little while, the two formed a small fight cloud. Monophanie just started screeching when Monotaro started pulling on her ears. I stared at them in disbelief, Monokuma would probably not like this one bit. Yup, I called it. Monokuma just came in bursting through the poor door as it smashed into pieces.

"YOU TWO LITTLE RASCALS!" Monokuma screamed as the two robots stared at him, dumbfounded. They knew they were obviously in deep crap right now. The two broke up the quarrel and waddled towards their father and bowing down to them.

"F-Father! W-We're soooooo sorry!" Monophanie mumbled an apology looking over to Monotaro. Monotaro glared at her back, his smile quickly turning into an angry scowl. Monokuma let out a 'hmph' as the bears started sweating and worried their asses out. Then Monokuma's angry face turned into a relieved face.

"Ohhh my little Monokubs! I can't stay mad at you! Come here so papa can give you a good lick!" He said, hustling the two remaining bears to his arms. He started licking them clean, and it disgusted me entirely at the fact that Monophanie actually licked him back. Ew. But then, Monokuma slaps both of them right across the face, both of them releasing a screech loud enough to pierce windows.

"You forgot to mention a thing!" Monokuma scolded the two poor bears, staring down at the floor and wallowing in shame. "Once a body has been discovered, there won't be any class trial! You have the power to kill the culprit! No executions, no trial, just kill them freely!" Monokuma yelled prancing around the little couch hugging the two Monokubs.

"Okay! Monokubs out!" They yelled and the screen faded to black. I shake my head in confusion. So apparently, this new Bloody Carnage thing is basically gonna make this whole Killing Game turn into discord. It doesn't make sense. Why only just announce the new game now?

But it doesn't matter now. We just needed to regroup with the others. But I still don't know how to communicate. I quickly grab pen and paper and stuff them in my hands, then nod at Kokichi. He smiles back and we walk out the dorms, entering the cafeteria. The others were already waiting for us, standing right outside the door. Kaito was still wrapped by bandages, and of course he didn't look happy.

"Hello there. (Y/N). Kokichi." Maki coldly says, ice etched in her tone. Kokichi shuddered a bit when Harukawa spoke. Gonta kept on turning on his bracelet and looking at his timer and forbidden action. My eyes quickly dart over to the side, and the flashing red words appear. 'Witness violence by participants', it read out. Kokichi saw where my eyes were focusing on, and he butts in like his usual self.

"Gonta you big hunk of flesh! Stop doing that! The more you do that, the more the chance people will kill you seeing your freaking forbidden action!" Kokichi yells, lecturing him. Gonta quickly mumbled an apology and stopped messing around with his bangle. Maki's cold looks directed at me, as I almost spill out a word. I quickly look to the side, and try to ignore Maki's burning eyes. But it already feels like it went through my skin. The rest start talking indistinctly, talking about how they could exactly reduce killings to a minimum. They merely just talked about not sleeping near anyone you don't trust once time on our bangles had ran out.

But I tuned them out and looked out the window. I couldn't do anything to help, and now I exactly don't want to. Let's just say I'm 'unmotivated.' I sigh and look at them chat, and then Maki looks at me and crosses her arms. I nearly shrivel in my spot.

"(Y/N). It isn't like you to not engage into our conversation. Is 'something' restricting you to do so? Or is that just your forbidden action?" Maki spits out. I start sweating, and I nod a yes to her. But the thing is, I was observing everyone on what they were doing. Most of them were doing something very specific. Shuichi never opens up his left hand, he keeps it closed even when it's sweating immensely. Kiibo was staying a far distance away from everyone, he almost seems desperate that he doesn't want anyone near him. Miu was strangely not swearing, but instead switched to normal wording. All the others didn't seem suspicious at all, but that was all the things I could catch.

But this is what I can pinpoint on. Shuichi's forbidden action is opening his left hand. Kiibo is probably that he needs to stay away from people or something like that. Miu is cursing, and Gonta is witnessing violence. They started moving onto a new topic, their forbidden actions.

"Now everyone. Let's talk about our forbidden actions." Maki says looking at the circle of Ultimates.

"We all know is that once committing the action, we die from a poison injected into our bloodstream." Shuichi points out again. Tsumugi quietly raises her hand.

"Maybe we can exchange actions so we can look out for them, and we'll be more cautious!" She says making a clear point. All of them started telling their forbidden actions, and apparently I was right. Kiibo can't let anyone step on his shadow, so he'll have to stay in the dark. Shuichi can't open up his left hand, Miu can't curse, and Gonta can't witness violence. All the others declined to give out their actions.

"Hey! Won't it be more dangerous if we tell our actions?!" Kaito points out, smashing his hands together. Kokichi groans and rolls his eyes due to Kaito's stupidity. He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Do I really have to explain it to the Space Bimbo?! Once telling our actions, we can be more cautious about it and can prevent further deaths? Do I have to explain it in a sixth grader kind of way? Or maybe for Kaito, a third grader's perspective. Cause he's that damn stupid!" Kokichi retorts back, his eyes narrowing to slits. Kaito growled and walked up to Kokichi, apparently towering over the shortie.

"What did you say you little shitlet?!" Kaito boomed.

"I said you're as stupid as a third grader." Kokichi said, smirking. Kaito roared and punched Kokichi on the shoulder, knocking him down hard. But, I quickly remembered what I saw earlier. Gonta's action was witnessing violence. Kaito punched Kokichi. Gonta is going to die!

I quickly run over to Gonta and grab everyone's attention. They all look at me and Gonta, but it already started. A game over sound echoed throughout the cafeteria. Gonta's veins started bulging, turning purple and spreading quickly. Everyone stared at the scene in horror, forced to watch it unfold. His eye started bleeding, and he screamed, falling on the floor. Lifeless. Monokuma appeared on the screen and started laughing. And laughing. Endlessly.

"It seems like we're gonna have a brief intermission here folks! Let's see how this interesting plot will unfold. Upupupupu~"

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