Chapter 10: Hostility

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Takes place after Danganronpa trial 3. And we're also back to our normal reality! Yay! :D Also mother of damn Christ, Skit is like hating on me now. I can't damn comment or shit. Wow. Damned spoilers for Danganronpa chapter 3 or something. Lol also there's Yandere!Shuichi in here a lil bit so yeah.

Back to no ones P.O.V.

Lately there's been something off about Kokichi. He seemed more distant from (Y/N), and would apparently start avoiding her when he sees her. Ouma isn't really that active on day, but merely just goes out for the three dining periods. His eyes were sagging, and he looked wan like before. After the deaths of three, Tenko, Angie, and Korekiyo, no one has exactly been the same.

Himiko. Himiko was saddened by the passings of her friends. (Y/N) felt sorry for her. Tenko and Angie were her friends. Their final words must've affected her deeply. And it did.

Himiko was actually more active lately. She would actually start talking to more people. Himiko actually started gathering evidence for the last murder that just occurred recently. (Y/N) really liked the fact that Himiko changed her ways. (I really do like Himiko's character development, so why the heck not smush this is the dang story.)

(Y/N) took a leisurely walk around the school courtyard. There, she saw Kaito. He looked like he was waiting for someone. He was sweating and was actually biting his fingernails. (Y/N) never seen Kaito this nervous before. Kaito was probably waiting for his precious "Maki Roll" or something. Sometimes Kokichi would call Maki that, and she gets hella pissed. As (Y/N) approached Kaito, Kaito looked at her nervously.

"Oh. It's just the midget's girlfriend." Kaito scoffs turning away from (Y/N). (Y/N) rolled her eyes and stared at Kaito with a pouting face. Lately, (Y/N) started giving nicknames to the remaining survivors of the group, she had hoped that at least it would lighten the mood. Sometimes she called Kokichi, Hitler due to his secret organization and all that. Kokichi actually doesn't seemed to be insulted whenever (Y/N) calls him that. He actually kinda likes it. So she changed his name to "Shortie Hitler." And that's what pissed him off. So (Y/N) decided to address Kaito by his nickname she gave him.

"Don't gimme that crap Space Loving Boy." (Y/N) retorted back. Kaito shook his head and rolled his eyes. His coat swaying swiftly in the wind.

"Whaddya want? Are you here to gather random crap about me huh?" Kaito asked glaring at (Y/N). (Y/N) gave another glare back at him, and then they were having a showdown! Kaito VS. (Y/N) go! That is until (Y/N) slapped Kaito across his cheek. Kaito gasped suddenly and rubbed his throbbing cheek.

"Hey, why are you being such a jerk?!" Kaito asked still pinching his pinkish cheek. Recently, (Y/N) has been acting more tough lately. More like a somewhat Tsundere of some kind. Some of the remaining Ultimates are actually afraid of her. Hell, even Miu was actually been staying away from her. Miu just thought that (Y/N) has been giving off weird feelings to her. She was afraid of her.

"Look Space Boy." (Y/N) said angrily walking up to Kaito as he shrinks down. (Y/N) gave him a pouting face. "I want to know why the hell you're here looking so damn nervous." (Y/N) threatened by holding the collar of his coat and raising it up, almost pulling Kaito up from the ground.

"W-Woah! T-The hell?! I-If y-you wanted to know so badly, you coulda just a-asked!" Kaito croaked out as (Y/N) rudely set him down harshly on the ground. (Y/N) glared at him, waiting for a straight answer. Kaito shriveled a little sitting down.

"I-I'm just w-waiting for someone t-that's all..." Kaito murmured placing his arms behind his back. (Y/N) raised her eyebrow.

"Who exactly? Spit it out lil dreamer." (Y/N) scoffed making a rude scowl.

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