Chapter 9: Hope

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Spoilers for Danganronpa Trial 2

A feeling of trust.

Kokichi held (Y/N) in his arms, while (Y/N) burrowed her face in his shoulders. Kokichi strokes her hair, among sure she was alright and doing fine. (Y/N) finally felt at home. She felt loved. After a good twenty minutes of confessing, almost everything has gone back to normal, except Kokichi's relationship with (Y/N) grew stronger. After the new and recent murder, they actually started defending themselves. They looked after each other, like Kokichi had promised.

Ryoma Hoshi was the victim. Ravaged and consumed quickly by hectic piranhas. Pink blood quickly filled the whole aquarium as everyone stood in horror, trying to process what just happened. After gathering enough evidence from Shuichi, the Ultimates verdict that Kirumi Tojo killed Ryoma Hoshi. And her execution was brutal, (Y/N) really didn't want to spoil her appetite, so she looked away the whole execution. But, was forced to look because Kokichi quickly grabbed her head and turned it. She gagged and exhaled, Kokichi realized he made a mistake and covered (Y/N)'s eyes.

As they walked out of the room, (Y/N) rubbed her eyes. "That was even more hella disturbing then Kaede..." She said while Kokichi rubbed his eyes. The day almost proceeded as normal, but when it was lunch-time, somehow, most of the students didn't even show up. Only Tenko, Angie, Shuichi, Kiibo, Gonta, Kokichi, Tsumugi, and herself. The main eight were actually surprised at the fact they were the only people who attended lunch, decoding that the others are doing their own thing.

"Gonta don't know what happen to others!" Gonta made a statement while eating some bread. "Yeah degenerate male! Everyone else should've been here right now!" Tenko yelled, (Y/N) covered her ears due to Tenko's pitch while she mumbled an apology. "M-Maybe we shouldn't get into other people's business you know." Tsumugi said staring off into space giving no craps at all. "Tsumugi's right, we should let the people gone sort their own things out." Shuichi declared. Everyone shrugged it off as they continue their daily lunch time routine.

Kokichi walked (Y/N) back to her dorm. She quickly thanked him as he waved off, probably off to chaos and mischief again. But she heard a ruckus near Korekiyo's dorm. She didn't want to interrupt whatever was happening in there, but pressed her head beside the door while the icon showed a pixelated version of Korekiyo doing a little jig. There she heard gossip. About her.

"Nyeh... (Y/N) always gets in our biz. It makes me uncomfortable." Himiko said in a monotone voice, (Y/N) took a step back. Not again! Not again!

"The fucking slut always bothers me. The little pissant needs to piss off." Miu yelled showing off her vulgar attitude. (Y/N) had more tears welling up in her eyes. Not again! Not again!

"Like Kokichi, she's almost like a little dipshit." Kaito said angrily slamming his fist on a table. What did (Y/N) do wrong to all of these people? What did she do wrong? She did nothing.

(Y/N) cried and ran across the courtyard, stumbling over small rocks and wading through grass. She fell over a small rock and scraped her knee, pink smudges suddenly were painted on the asphalt. (Y/N) quickly stood up as tears flowed down her face as she ran across the school premises. Shuichi and Tsumugi were in the hallway talking but (Y/N) quickly shoved Shuichi down to the floor as Tsumugi stared back at the blur. "(Y/N)?"

Right now, (Y/N) didn't care about her life. She should've just died. She could've been happy. That's what she wanted. To finally be happy. She ran into the cafeteria and quickly snatched a knife. She decided that she will kill herself tonight. But for now, she'll cut herself. She quickly hid the knife behind her back and tried avoiding everyone's attention. As she quickly shifted left and right to get to her dorm, everyone flashed her weird looks as she held in her tears. Her throat felt itchy, almost as if something was lodged in there. Eyes bloodshot once again as snot dripped from her nose. Her pants having a white scar running across her knee as a small bruise already began taking shape. She quickly shut the door making a threatening slam as things in her room rattled in place, trembling violently.

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