Chapter 3: The Case of the Lost Panta!

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After Chapter Two's Events.

(Y/N) woke up with a rattling sound coming from her door. She tried ignoring it, and pulled the covers over her head. The rattling sound came again, but it sounded more violent. (Y/N) pressed her ears together, trying to let it slide. After about a few moments of silence, the rusty old door gave away, and in staggered a crying Kokichi. (Y/N) jolted up out of her bed, and in her (design of pajamas) she walked over to Kokichi groggily. As (Y/N) looked more into Kokichi's face, he looked... Wan and unhealthy.

Bags hung beneath his eyes, giving him a frazzled look. He almost looked malnourished, and he looked much skinnier now. His clothes looked dirty, he probably hasn't changed into another pair of his clothes. (Y/N) clasped her hands on Kokichi's face, worried.

"What the hell happened to you Kokichi?!" (Y/N) asked frantically. Kokichi didn't respond at all, but some drool dripped from his mouth. (Y/N) grasped his body, and started shaking him. His mind seemed to be in a dazed mode, and he didn't want to wake up. He suddenly slipped out of (Y/N)'s grasp, and he fell down. He hit the floor hard, and pink blood rushed out of his forehead.

"Fu-!" (Y/N) fumbled with Kokichi. Kokichi suddenly stood up and staggered around. He would occasionally hiccup, making (Y/N) nuts. "(Y/N)-chan!!" Kokichi cried. "I can't find my Panta!!" He whined. "So I replaced my Panta with cold hard beer!" He wailed. (Y/N) was concerned with Kokichi's health. "W-We'll find your sugary drink!" (Y/N) yelled, pumping her fist in the air.

Kokichi sniffled and wiped the white snot from his nose. "R-Really?" He stutters. (Y/N) nodded and flashed him a smile. Kokichi grinned and they walked out of the dorm.

"So, where did you see your Panta last?" (Y/N) questioned him. "At the cafeteria table. I was drinking some while eating breakfast." He says. (Y/N) knew that his missing Panta affected him. He wasn't that cute scapegrace that would always smile and lie, he was a crying, childish, diva. (Y/N) never knew this side of Kokichi. He was probably crying some Alligator Tears, but she didn't care. She really did wanted to help him.

The duo start their way over to the cafeteria, and the results are surprising. There was a can of Panta,but it looked like it was split in half. Kokichi suddenly reached into his scarf. He pulled out Shuichi's hat and he plopped it on his head.

"The clod who drank my Panta, would obviously be next to me, or an enemy of mine!" Kokichi stated the suspects. After brainstorming a while, they started jotting down a few names. The list of suspects were, Miu Iruma, due to their unstable relationship, and her sitting to the right would make her an obvious suspect. Kaito Momota, the space head has a bad relationship with Kokichi, so he is a suspect. Himiko Yumeno, she sat next to Kokichi to the left. And Kiibo, the lovable robot who everyone likes, may be a Panta thief! Although he can't drink any fluids, he is still offended by Kokichi's insults, and could've easily dump the Panta somewhere on the school grounds. Kokichi quickly scampered off to the hallway, and returned with some really long tape.

With (Y/N)'s help, they had surrounded the whole crime scene, (or at least that's what Kokichi called it,) and it had successfully been isolated from other students! They left the area for a while and started questioning other students, but all wouldn't give them any useful information. So they gave up on asking questions, and decided to explore the premises. As they investigated the school grounds, they finally came across cold, hard, evidence.

A spill of sticky soda, right next to a potted plant. They finally found some proof. And next to it, was chipped metal. The Panta spill, the metal chip, the can, it makes sense now. Kiibo, the deceiving robot, was the one who did it. Kokichi quickly grabbed some pen and paper, and violently wrote on it. The pen danced around on the paper, and after a while, Kokichi impaled the hole three times signaling he was done. Kokichi ran over to Kiibo's dorm and slipped it under his door. As Kokichi ran back, he had a devious smile on his face. Kiibo screams echoed through the halls, and he ran out of his door and saw Kokichi.

"DAMN YOU KOKICHI! THAT PAPER WAS UTTERLY ROBO-PHOBIC! YOU ROBOPHOBE!" Kiibo screamed. (Y/N) stared at Kokichi. "What did you write?" (Y/N) asked slowly. Kokichi smiled. "I said that all Robots from this world should be eradicated and wiped out. The reason why is well, you never know till Artificial Intelligence will strike back and attack us! So our best solution is to kill them!" He says skipping around. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped.

"NOW! ONTO THE CRIME!" Kokichi says, pointing his finger at Kiibo. Kiibo flashed Kokichi a weird look. "Uhm, what?"

"K1-B0!" Kokichi yelled, calling Kiibo by his full name. Whenever someone calls out his true name, Kiibo would know he screwed the hell up. "You are convicted of killing my Panta!" Kokichi says. Kiibo puts his hands up. "W-What are y-you talking a-about?!" He stutters. Kokichi presses him to the wall, but (Y/N) didn't want to interfere. "Spill it you maggot. If you won't let the soda out of the can, I'll just have to explain how you committed the crime!" Kokichi cried. Kiibo had no initial response to that, so Kokichi smiled.

"Fine. I'll do it." He smiles.

Kokichi pranced around the hallways, skipping happily. "It started at breakfast. Miu Iruma was sitting to my right, while Himiko was sitting at the left. I had considered them my prime suspects. But I'd never knew that it would be a trusted classmate. When I was done eating, I simply walked away and carried on with business. Then, that's when we add the culprit in the situation!" Kokichi points out. "The culprit knew that the time to strike was when I was away. So the culprit grabbed the almost empty can of soda, and grasped it. The culprits hands pressure was so tight, the can split in half. But somehow, he didn't notice. The culprit was angry at me for always insulting him. So he decided he wanted revenge. He tried to find any trash-cans in the premises, but found none. So he dumped the soda near the potted plant. Creating the spill. And here is where the metal chip comes in!" Kokichi yells, holding up the piece of evidence in a plastic bag. Kiibo started sweating. "The culprit had bumped into a sharp window ledge, and the chip broke off. And the only person who would actually have metal attached to their body is..." Kokichi started patting his knees rapidly trying desperately to create a drumroll.

"K1-B0! The Ultimate Robot!" Kokichi accuses Kiibo. Kiibo stared at him in shock and he lowered his head in shame.

"What's wrong Kiibo? Have anything to say?" (Y/N) pipes up.

"N-No. I-I was the one w-who d-dumped the s-soda." He mumbles. Kokichi jumped for joy. "Nee-heehee! You're lucky that this case isn't actually a real murder!" He says. Kiibo walks away in shame as Kokichi left him off the hook.

"Hey (Y/N), thanks for being my right hand woman. I knew I can count on you pal!" Kokichi giggled and puts his arm on (Y/N)'s shoulder. She blushed again. "Now I'm tired! Take me to my dorm peasant! Bow down to your Ultimate Supreme Leader!" Kokichi mumbles. They slowly walked again back to their rooms, and solved the mystery.

Holy heck that was long. I can't make "murder scenarios" guys. If I was asked to make one, it would just be a copy off the Danganronpa series. Sooo yeah. Uhm I hope you enjoy the chapter! And continue to be your trashy selves!

UPDATE: Next Chapter will be a quick update.

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