Chapter 8: The Meeting

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(Y/N) lied flat on her bed, waiting for Kokichi to at least respond, as she grabbed the Monopad and found a new feature. Another option has been added.

Message? (Y/N) thought in her mind as this new ability questioned her. She tapped on it and up popped an actual group chat, but it actually mostly consisted of Tsumugi and some girl named Silver doing a role-play. (Y/N) shuddered and quickly exited that group chat, and found contacts for almost every Ultimate in here. Although, when tapping on the dead SHSL students, it would glitch. And a frightening red and black screen would appear, sending (Y/N) chills down her spine, "You shouldn't have done that." It said eerily.

(Y/N) quickly cursed and looked at her contacts, checking warily if Kokichi was online. As she tapped on his contact, a purple screen showed up, with words flashing Kokichi Oma. She hesitated, but started typing furiously and violently, her fingers hastily moving across the speed at an abnormal pace.

(Reader) has sent Kokichi Oma a message at 8:09 AM.

Hey Oma, what time exactly are we going to meet? Message sent at 8:09 AM.

After a few minutes, there was no response. (Y/N) growled and tried typing another message again. But after few minutes, she ended up typing multiple messages to him, asking him to at least respond.

C'mon, don't keep me waiting! Message sent at 8:10 AM.

Can you at least respond? Message sent at 8:11 AM.

What's the point of even doing this crap if you won't respond? Message sent at 8:11 AM.

Can you at least tell me? Message sent at 8:12 AM.

. . . Message sent at 8:13 AM.

Are you even listening? Message sent at 8:13 AM.

(Y/N) slapped her forehead at her ending results. But after an hour, she finally got a result.

1 new message from Kokichi Oma.
Jesus fucking Christ (Y/N), I can't keep up with these damn messages. Message sent at 9:13 AM.

Sorry about my tone. :P We're gonna meet at 12:00 sharp. Don't miss it! ;) Message sent at 9:14 AM.

(Y/N) sighed in relief, she slumped back and tried to do some crap for once. (Y/N) went to the RP chat and found the mysterious girl and Tsumugi doing a battle roleplay. Apparently, Silver was overpowering Tsumugi's OC, and was winning the fight. (Y/N) felt creeped out at the fact that Silver sent her roleplay messages way too fast. Who was this girl? (Y/N) shook her feeling off and decided to wait for Kokichi.

Time Skip to 12:00, cause Author-Chan wants to get straight into the action ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Y/N) knocked on Kokichi's dorm, and then found him, with a wide grin plastered across his face. Kokichi's dorm definitely changed. He had gathered the remaining scraps of the security camera Shuichi had built, and everything was scattered all over the floor like a dumpster. As she looked over to the side, she saw a horse head, probably will be used for pranking people and mischievous uses.

"Hey (Y/N)! Don't focus on my horse head for now. But sit on my bed." He said all too nicely. (Y/N) almost felt creeped out from Kokichi's oozing niceness. But she liked it. (Y/N) took a seat on his bed and plastic cracked under it. She felt uncomfortable and checked what exactly was under her rear. She found leftover Panta cans, and already felt her clothes getting soiled of the carbonated drink. Kokichi cleared his throat and started sweating.

"(Y-Y/N). Before I tell you this, this is really genuine. No lies. No." Kokichi stuttered making a weird face and staring off into the side. (Y/N) almost had a bad feeling about this and didn't like it one bit. Kokichi's face reverted into a serious mold. "When I saw you (Y/N), I knew you were special. You weren't just like other students who only had one talent y'know." Kokichi said blushing and playing with his hair as (Y/N) sweat nervously. "You were nice, strict, and friendly. Unlike Tenko who's a complete and utter feminist..." Kokichi said. (DONT TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY TENKO, I LOVE YOU) "You respected everyone." He smiled, genuinely. (Y/N) stared at Kokichi wide eyed. "Every day, I want to spend time with you because you lighten up my life. You spice it up with my antics. You're amazing." He said. (Y/N) gasped for breath, no one had ever talked to her like that.

"You and me, we're like Shining Stars. We're a one of a kind, you can never see another one like us in the world." He complimented. (Y/N) had tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't take this anymore. She covered her face up and cried as Kokichi's smile slowly dissolved. "(Y/N)? A-Are you alright?" Kokichi asked approaching (Y/N) and sitting down next to her. (Y/N) would always try to mask herself by acting all friendly, trying to gain friends. But inside, she was a scared coward, who just wanted to die. She was always insecure, but tries masking herself and hiding her true colors. "N-No one likes the Social Butterfly..." She sniffled covering her face as tears seeped through her fingers. Kokichi's face turned sympathetic. "I-I try hiding myself. N-No o-one likes people who are too friendly and get into other people's business. I-I'm nothing. Can't you see Kokichi?" She confessed, taking her hands off her face.

Her eyes were bloodshot from the crying, and snot dripped a little from the side of her nose. "No one likes me. No one likes the true me. I-I change myself so people can accept me." She said falling to her knees. Kokichi ran over and put his arm over (Y/N)'s shoulder. "No one looks after me. I'm always alone." She cried cupping her hands over her face.

"You're not alone (Y/N)." Kokichi said. (Y/N) stopped crying and looked at Kokichi. "There are people in this world who probably loathe and despise you. But there are other people here who actually care about you. There are people here who look after you. There are people who love you." Kokichi said.

"And I'm one of those people (Y/N). This isn't a lie. Genuine." He said wrapping his arms around (Y/N). She had never felt warmth from him. She felt at home.

FLASHBACK TO HER IN 6th Grade. Goddamit I'm lazy.

It was Valentines Day for (Y/N) and her school. Maybe she can finally have a date or valentine. She wanted for hours and hours, until the Teacher called out that they were to check their lockers for valentines. As (Y/N) checked her locker, there was nothing. But as she looked more carefully, she saw a really low quality torn out paper. As she looked and snatched it away, she thought it could be a nice note complimenting how she looked. But as she looked at it, this was what is said.

You need to go jump off the roof. You're ugly. Go kill yourself.

(Y/N) looked at the note in horror and covered her mouth. Tears escaped from her eyes and she ran across the locker room to the courtyard. She wanted to go home. She wanted to die. But guess what was waiting for her. Delinquents.

The delinquents stood near the front of the gate, a whole group of eight graders, yelling at her to kill herself. (Y/N) screamed as she hurled her backpack at one of the eighth graders, but they caught it easily. They emptied her bag full of anime drawings and manga. They insulted it calling it drawings of shitholes. (Y/N) scattered across them trying to pick them all up, but the bullies kicked her in the back. She tumbled over, the papers scattered all over the floor again. She quickly shoved all her stuff in her bag and cried running off to a nearby bathroom. But the worst thing was, no one did anything to help her. They ignored her. She was a nobody.

Le Present.

After (Y/N) told Kokichi what had happened that day, Kokichi held her in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I should've been there. People should've stood by you!" Kokichi growled clenching his fist together. "I hate annoying little pissants like those!" He yelled.

"K-Kokichi..." (Y/N) stuttered.

Thank you.

tHaTs tHe eNd oF tHiS cHaPtEr HOLY SHITBALLS THAT WAS LONG AS FUCKK OH WELLL, TILL NEXT TIME MOTHAFUGGAS! What will happen next? Aw fuck, there's also a fourth wall break in here cause why the hell not ;-; ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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