Chapter 9 and a Half? Despair

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This chapter won't advance the story's plot yet so HA

Takes place in an alternate reality if (Y/N) actually committed suicide. Thanks for the recommendation @SHSL_TrashyMeme! UwU and thank you for voting on all my chapters! Uwaaa~ Now lets get on with this!

Kokichi's P.O.V. (Oh wow finally)
the complete loss or absence of hope.
"driven to despair, he throws himself under a train"

I was just hanging around in my room with the surveillance camera Shuichi made, and fiddling with it. I try hard not to break a key component to the camera. I know that Shuichi and Kaede, or may I say... KaeDEAD. Built this just to keep control of this school, but what if they built it for someone else? I let my imagination run wild while I hold it in my hand and turn it around. Maybe Shuichi was actually a peeping Tom? I laugh at the sudden thought and stare at the ceiling.

Until I hear everyone gather up to one specific place. I decide to investigate what exactly the whole commotion is about. After a while, the crowd starts clearing up a bit and I quickly run out of my dorm. I quickly pound on (Y/N)'s door as I hear a small metal clatter echo through her dorm.

Does she have a knife?! I need to find out what's going on in there!

"DAMMIT (Y/N)! OPEN UP!" I screech to the top of my lungs. No response. C'mon. She needs to open up! It's just me! Is she scared or something? Forget about that. (Y/N) is my priority. I look under the door to find out why exactly she isn't opening up, but I could see chair legs making a reasonable blockade for the door. But what also greeted me was a horrible sight. I stagger back and clutch my head and see the rivers of blood flowing down from her wrists.

T-The hell am I seeing?! I-Is my best friend torturing herself?!

"(Y/N)! OPEN THE DOOR!" I croak out. My last shout was so high pitched, my throat already felt so sore. I slide my back down the door and curl myself up. I hear the knife slit a part of her again as she winced in pain and died slowly. Tears flowed down my face as I kept on slamming myself to the door. After one final time I screamed in pain as my shoulder throbbed and turned to a pinkish and purplish hue. Until I hear the wood get picked up in (Y/N)'s hand.

And to that she took her last breath, and plunged the knife right into her stomach.

Not knowing this, (Y/N) clutched the plunged knife and took it right off. Blood spurted everywhere as it painted the room pink. I felt some of it actually reach my back, and in horror I screamed. Everyone suddenly bursted off to find me and quickly met where I was. Everyone stared at me in horror of what I just witnessed. And then they started bombarding me with questions.

"What happened?"

"Why did you scream?"

"Why are is your backside covered with splatters of blood?!"

But I don't respond. Tears flow down my face. She didn't die. (Y/N) didn't die. I won't accept that she did die unless I see what happened in there.

"Break open the damn door Bug Boy." I call Gonta as he whimpered and walked up to the door. He sighed and quickly punched down the door, as it flies to the other side, breaking into a million pieces. And what we saw, time seemed to stop for a few moments till we could process what just happened.

(Y/N)'s body. Cold and lifeless. Lying down on the floor while her wound screamed "investigate!" I fall to my knees and hold her corpse. I loved her. She loved my antics, pranks, and probably even me.

"No. No. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! This isn't real! This is just a dream!" I laugh and cover my face while crying and holding her corpse. Everyone looks at me in sympathy, putting pity on me. "This'll end soon! I-I'm gonna wake up from this nightmare! She isn't dead! I know this! She won't leave me!" I laugh crazily clutching my head as everyone cringes or stagger back. Shuichi and Gonta quickly run over to me and start putting me in a bear hug as I started destroying everything in (Y/N)'s room.

"Kokichi! Stop! Gonta think (Y/N) no enjoy this! Would (Y/N) like this?! Gonta think this not gentlemanly!" Gonta said blabbering about being a gentleman. I won't accept this. She would never do this! Maki then came up to me slowly.

"What do you want?!" I laugh as I spit in her face. Then she slapped me. Brushed right across my cheek as it throbbed even more than my shoulder.

"As much we would want this to be a fantasy, this is real. Every murder we have witnessed, it's real. And don't forget that." She icily said to me as she turned back. The hell is her problem?

"I-I won't accept..." I mumble for the final time until Shuichi found something very important. He held up a piece of white paper. Her will.

"Everyone listen up. (Y/N) wrote a will. This will give us a lead on why exactly she committed suicide. So listen carefully, cuz I'm gonna give you guys an earful." He said warning us. I'm going to listen to every detail. I'm gonna make sure whoever made her do this, pay. Shuichi cleared his throat and read the paper.

"Dear Ultimate Students of this hellhole,

I direct this paper to all of you. Please take this seriously. I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations. But honestly, I would never expect to be greeted by such friends! They all would treat me with kind fashion, and would give me nice feedback and such. I guess that's why I'm called the Ultimate Social Butterfly. I make friends almost everywhere I go. That is, until I heard what was said today." Shuichi coughed a little cutting it off. Kaito, Himiko, and Miu started sweating intensely. They were hiding something and I knew it. And just like that, the will continued on. "I didn't mean to hurt you guys or anything. Was I truly a dipshit? Really? You know, I've had depression almost all my life. And these comments about me, did nothing but make me lose hope. I direct these to these three. Miu Iruma, Himiko Yumeno, and Kaito Momota. Thank you for truly worsening my life. I hope at least that you will reflect your actions when you die. And as for you Kokichi Ouma, thank you for actually standing by me. Once you find me, don't plunge into despair. I bid you all goodbye." Shuichi eerily said as he stared at the three accused. Everyone was shocked of what we just read. But the thing was, this was all too eery. Who exactly did (Y/N) direct this to? Me? Or the accused? But I didn't care. All I wanted to do was shame the people who made (Y/N) die.

I scream in rage and run up to Miu and the other two. Gonta held me back as I screamed. I hit Gonta straight in the face, and surprisingly, the bimbo let go of me. I grabbed Miu and started strangling her as she screamed in pain and tried getting away. Everyone yelled as the ruckus was just beginning. Maki and Kaito quickly grabbed both of my arms and held me back. Kiibo and Tenko quickly escorted Miu somewhere else, obviously trying to get her away from me.

"DIPSHIT HUH?! REAL CLEVER! IF YOU HADN'T DONE THIS, SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!" I screech angrily as Kaito and Maki struggled to hold me back. I turn back to Kaito and hit my head on his nose. He staggered back as blood flowed down his nostrils. "You pissants don't deserve to be here!" I yell as Maki took care of Kaito and gave me a death glare. "Oh, don't just say, hey bitch! Wanna die bitch? Maybe you should've told your boyfriend here to shut his astronaut ass! Oh, and don't even dream of going to space. You'll never achieve your dream." I say icily as everyone stares at me in shock. They don't want to interfere since they're afraid.

"Kokichi. Calm down. They already have had enough." Shuichi said trying to calm me down. What does he think I am? A baby?!

"Oh whatever Mr. Smart ass! You don't tell me what to do!" I snap back at him as he staggered back at the sudden insult. I stare at (Y/N)'s body as tears welled up in my eyes and escaped once again.

"She didn't deserve this." I croak out as I leave the scene, making everyone speechless.

Looks like I couldn't keep my promise to you.

I couldn't resist myself plunging deep down into the sea of despair.

Ⓢⓗⓘⓝⓘⓝⓖ Ⓢⓣⓐⓡⓢ, (Ⓐ Ⓡⓔⓐⓓⓔⓡ Ⓧ Ⓚⓞⓚⓘⓒⓗⓘ Ⓞⓤⓜⓐ Ⓕⓐⓝⓕⓘⓒ)Where stories live. Discover now