Chapter 4 Sam

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Walking into the kitchen, to get a face full of the lovebirds making out. Adding in an exaggerated sigh for effect. "Don't stop on my account, just give me some warning before clothes start to come off."

Nate gave Mady one last kiss before he stepped back. "Sorry Sam, we can get kind of carried away sometimes." There was no sorry in his expression just amusement.

"Hey that's cool. I like porn just as much as the next girl. But seeing friends bumping uglies...I'm not too sure that I could handle," I replied as I sat down at the table.

"Do I hear a little bit of jealousy in your voice there Sam?" Nate teased, as he leaned against the counter, while Mady jumped off and passed me a beer.

Laughing while shaking my head, "Nah I'm good, I have Mr. I-Don't-Talk-Back." As soon as the words left my mouth, Mady's beer left hers. This banter was too easy. I felt too comfortable with someone I just met. That didn't stop me from laughing over Mady's reaction. I was pretty sure it was the confused look on Nate's face that had Mady shocked face turn into laughter.

"I thought you swallowed, Mady." I was on a roll tonight. Weird.

"Ok, will one of you tell me what you're talking about?" Nate asked, even more confused.

"Sam don't..." Mady rushed to say, but could not get it all out.

Speaking over Mady's pleas, "That's what I call my vibrator" I enjoyed watching Nate's expressions go from confused, to recognition, to amusement with a bit of embarrassment. "You Ok there Nate? You look a little flush." The teasing just kept coming. I knew this new found acceptance would bite me in the ass later on.

" two are going to be the death of me," shaking his head, "Ok, so I am leaving you two alone now. Oh, I ordered pizza it should be here soon." Nate said as he walked out the back door quickly, chuckling.

As Nate left, I finally got even a better look at my friend. Her hair that was once dull brown and hung down her back, was now a rich mahogany colour that barely touched her shoulders. Dark eyelashes that frame her iridescent pale blue eyes, a beauty mark under the corner of her right eye, and her peaches and cream flawless complexion. She was radiant.

"God Mady, you don't look a day over 25, hell you look better now than you did at 25. You don't even have any fine lines around your eyes. I'm 5 years older than you and next to you I don't look 30. I look like I'm in my 40's and I am only 35."

Mady's laugh was nervous, "Don't sell yourself short Sam, when you walk into a room people look. You just choose not to notice or should I say give a shit."

I shrugged off her comment. There was no point of explaining why I never noticed or cared to even though she was wrong. The lie came out smoothly like it usually did. There was only so many times you can deny something when they won't listen anyways. "That's true, I mean the not giving a shit part and it's not me physically they see, it's the "fuck off" I seem to have written in permanent black marker on my forehead...So since you won't tell me your beauty secrets, you have to answer the next one then." I waited for her to accept the challenge.

Mady's sighed, "Ok, what's your question?"

"You have to answer it no matter what." Waiting for Mady to confirm while I struggled to keep the smile off my face. It was always so easy to get Mady going. Sitting back in the chair, arms crossed I waited patiently for the cautious but brief nod. Mady had never learned when not to play the game. The smile I hid spread across my face. "How big is little Nate?"

"Sam, I am not talking about my husband's penis!" She exclaimed.

"You agreed to answer my question," Adding an exaggerated sigh for affect. "Oh honey is it that small, I'm so sorry!" I was about to bust a gut but somehow kept it in while sounding sympathetic. Mady got up from her chair so fast that it flew across the room, hitting the cabinets. "My husband is not small," she growled.

The growl had me covering my mouth to keep from bursting. Which of course got Mady going even more.

"Don't you laugh at me, Samantha Alice McDowell!" Mady raised her voice.

Before Mady finished her sentence, I was practically rolling in laughter, " are so easy to get riled he's on the large size then?" I just couldn't stop myself. Nerves have a tendency to do that.

Mady lost the battle and joined in. I really missed that laugh. "Have you gotten worse, or is it that I have become a prude?"

"I thinks it's a little off both, hey maybe we will rub off on each other." Looking at Mady I added. "Nah, I don't think Nate could handle it."

Picking up the chair from across the room, chuckling while she grabbed a couple more beers. "Very true, I think one Sam in the area is more than enough."

Peeling the label of the bottle, I needed to make sure my presence there was not going to interfere with anything. I had eyes and I could see what she had with Nate. "Mady...umm I don't want to crowd you guys so if it's easier I can go grab a hotel room." I don't think I ever seen the colour drain out of Mady's face that fast.

"You are not crowding us at all, don't even think that way...Umm, but if you don't want to be here I will understand." A little colour came back but she still looked pale.

Even if I didn't want to be there, I could never tell her that. Not now. "No Mady, I want to be here...I just wanted to make sure."

Mady's relief was instant, "Good, no more talking like that, agreed?"


Sitting on the brown plush leather sofa in silence. A few hours of reminiscing, pizza, a few more beers later and no worse for wear. I was exhausted and there was no hiding it. "Come on girl, its bed time."

"I completely agree I'm beat." Mady dragged her tired self-off the couch.

Saying our "good nights" I was practically stumbled out of my clothes as soon as I hit the bedroom. Putting on a night shirt was a chore. I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow

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