Chapter 23 Sam

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Taking the sheets out of my purse that Bill gave me on all the properties we saw today, hoping it distracted me enough to be civil to Miss. Sunshine when she came back with my order. Concentrating more on my favourites, I didn't hear the owner of the seductively smooth voice approach.

"Hello there," the stranger said.

Hand flew to my throat, jumping while knocking over the glass of now ice with my other hand. All at the same time the papers floated to the ground.

"Shit!" I so subtly burst out. Not only making a scene but also a mess. Scooping up the ice back into the glass before bending to pick up the papers that fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said, passing me one of the papers that landed behind me.

Still not looking at the owner of the sexy addictive voice, the voice that melted my insides, I took the paper he handed me. "It's Ok. I'm just a jumpy person," Standing up, meeting a very nicely build chest, moving my eyes slowly to stop at his thin but shapely lips to move on to the most luminous emerald green eyes. The man was utterly gorgeous. He stood at 6' 3", of solid muscle, not as big as Nate, but not far off. His soft wavy golden blonde hair rested on the top of his shoulders. An interruption of their clearing of a throat had me snap around to see Miss. Sunshine shooting daggers with her eyes in my direction. My main concern was that I did not say "wow" out loud and that my mouth wasn't hanging open or my tongue wasn't hitting the floor. There should really be a law about having this many attractive people in one place. Like come on really!

"Sorry about that Cathy." I finally found my voice and legs, moving out of her way to wipe down the table.

"It's my job," she mumbled, all too clear she was not happy about it. Surprise, surprise. Her charming personality did help me to find my way out of my stupor.

"Catherine!" His barked.

She had the gull to look at sheepish. "I apologize for my behaviour." Cathy sounded sincerely sorry until you looked into her eyes that spilt over with pure hatred.

Forcing a smile then nodding my acceptance was the safest bet. I wasn't sure what would come out of my mouth would be anything but sarcasm. As soon as Cathy went back to the kitchen, I assumed, I let out then more than just a sigh. "I'm so getting something nasty put in my food." Miffed at myself for not controlling my temper better. The lack of control on my mood swings I was having lately was more out of the norm then usual. Forcefully slapping the papers on the table then I climbed back onto the bar height seat.

"I think you are safe," the stranger said, still standing there. Seeing the confused looked on my face, he continued, "Nothing nasty will end up in your food, as you put it," he offered, smiling down at me, as if I said something that amused him.

"Uh...hi," was the only thing my brain could spit out, all my sarcastic comments flew right out of my ass.

Overlooking the dumbfounded look on my face, he pointed to the papers on the table, never breaking eye contact. "Hello Sam. Are these the properties you are looking at?" He asked like we already knew each other.

My guard back up, narrowing my eyes, "How do you know who I am?" I was waiting for once again that warm fuzzy reception that Cathy felt so strongly to share with me.

His smile widened showing perfect white teeth. "I was coming out of the office when I heard your name."

"Oh." It was like meeting Dmitri all over again, the brain just stopped. At least meeting Dmitri, I had at Mady there to help with the first few silent moments and the beer, cannot forget about the beer.

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